헤이그 대학교 팀 프로젝트 Project about Media and Information Literacy
A Role-Playing-Game (RPG) on cyberbullying preventions method. Where a self created story can be followed during the game. Therefore, does the game contain prevention methods on cyberbullying. Proving that teens in the age of 11 til 14 can protected themselfs from online threats.
Use npm to install and run the game, in order to play it open a browser on https://localhost:3000 to start the game.
- Install Node.js & npm
- Open a terminal
- For cloning the repositorycd Project-MIL
- Change the directory to the game folder- Create a 'dist' folder in the root folder, when it is unavailable.
npm install
- Update to the latest packagesnpm start
- To run program
Play the game with love.
- To move the characterE
- To interact
Initially created by:
- Hyeon Woo Jeong @ Nuung
- Huub van Holsteijn @ hwpvanholsteijn
- JeongUm Lee @ leahJU
- Jeong Min Park @ miniminiworld
- Arturo Iván Sandoval Rodríguez @ ArD2
- Liam Voyle @ Liam-V
Powerd by The Hague Univserity Of Applied Sciences - Love, munchies and joy.
All rights reserved.