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Phoenix Nemo edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 6 revisions

Please walk through each configuration file in this article before bring this plugin to your production environment.

After the first restart of server, the plugin will generate some configuration files under plugins/HamsterEcoHelper.

config.yml - The main configuration file.

# use en_US.yml as message translations. Edit that file if you need customize.
language: en_US 

# default timeout after each new bid placed.
bidTimeoutTicks: 600

# percent tax for global market
market_tax: 8
# fee to collect from seller for each slot of item offered to global market. Use to prevent abuse
market_offer_fee: 39
# fee to collect from seller for each slot of item placed in global market. Use to prevent abuse
market_placement_fee: 9
# how many slots in global market a player can use. permission node: heh.offer.[group]
# ATTENTION! This group is not associated with permission groups.
# You must implicitly add heh.offer.[group] to a permission group or it will not work.
  default: 6
  vip: 12
# play sound when purchase items?
marketPlaySound: true
# send broadcast when new item is offered to the global market? 
marketBroadcast: true
# how many ticks to wait before broadcast another offer on global market, use to prevent spam.
marketBroadcastCooldown: 40

# how many players required to activate auto system auction?
auctionMinimalPlayer: 1
# how many players required to activate auto system requisition?
requisitionMinimalPlayer: 1

# ticks between next hint of currently requisitioning.
requisitionHintInterval: 1200
# ticks timeout for player auction
playerAuctionTimeoutTicks: 200
# ticks to wait before one player can start another auction, use to prevent spam & ensure everyone have chance to auction
playerAuctionCooldownTicks: 200
# percent tax(handling fee) to collect for each successful auction, based on final deal price.
playerAuctionCommissionFee: 10
# ticks to wait for player requisition to complete
playerRequisitionTimeoutTicks: 3600
# ticks to wait before one player can start another requisition
playerRequisitionCooldownTicks: 600

# ticks to wait before next system requisition. 72000 ticks = 1 hour
requisitionIntervalTicks: 72000
# maximum ticks to wait in addition to 'requisitionIntervalTicks', the actual interval of system requisition is random between 1~2 hours.
requisitionMaxDelayTicks: 36000
# same as above
auctionMaxDelayTicks: 72000
auctionIntervalTicks: 72000

# enable system balance to help economy
enable_balance: true
# ticks to wait before write system balance value to disk
balance_SaveIntervalTicks: 1200
# enable system balance change log
system_balance_log: false

# when player die, collect cash penalty from this player's cash account.
# list of worlds that has penalty enabled
  - world
  - world_nether
  - world_the_end
# minimum value of penalty
    min: 100
# maximum value of penalty
    max: 10000
# percent of player cash amount to collect, with limits 100~10000
    percent: 20

# tax for transaction via sign shop
  tax: 2
# amount of shop signs a player can create. Permission node: heh.signshop_sign_limit.[group]
    default: 8
    vip: 16
# amount of slots in sign shops a player can use. Permission node: heh.signshop_slot_limit.[group]
    default: 27
    vip: 54

# ticks to wait before broadcast next ads
  interval: 6000
# account afk players into display count
  count-afk: false
# account advertiser into display count
  count-self: false
# price for each valid display
  price: 1
# maximum allowed display amount for each ads
  max_display: 400
# minimum required display amount for each ads
  min_display: 10
# can use color in ads
  color: true
# can use the formatting codes listed here in ads
  - l
  - m
  - n
  - o
  - r
# global ads amount limit
  limit_total: 100
# text length limit for each ads
  limit_text: 140
# how many ads can a player advertise?
    default: 2
    advanced: 3
# lotto (slot machine) signs must use a locked chest using LockettePro
  force_locked: false
# ticks to wait before executing another search
  cooldown_tick: 200
  lore_additional_tick: 200
  ench_additional_tick: 200

__class__: cat.nyaa.HamsterEcoHelper.Configuration
database_version: 1

en_US.yml - message translations file. Use this file to customize your messages, add formatting codes, etc.

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