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Use Expr.t to store model values
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Use `Expr.t` values instead of strings to store the value of the
first-order model.

Add a new function `to_term_const` in the signature of `Shostak`.
Basically this function is the inverse function of `X.make` on the
constant terms only. The function always returns a term `t` such that
`Expr.is_const_term t` is `true`.

Notice that we need this function during model generation. Indeed, even
if the class of a semantic value in UF contains terms whose the `make`
is constant according to `X.is_constant`, these terms aren't necessary
constant according to `Expr.is_const_term`. For instance, the term `0 +
1` will become the semantic value `1` and we expect that
`X.to_term_const` returns `Some 1`.

Modify the definition of `Expr.is_const_term` (formerly named
`const_term`). The previous definition considered that the application
of constructor of an ADT to constant terms isn't a constant term. The
same went for record definitions. Now, there are constant too.
We have to check that this modification is correct for the

Notice that we keep the old definion `const_term` in the module `Expr`
but we don't expose it anymore. Indeed, this function is used to detect
constants in the smart constructor of the let bindings because the
definition of the depth of formulae have been tweaked to prevent
regressions. Modifying this function could be dangereous.
  • Loading branch information
Halbaroth committed Dec 6, 2023
1 parent 5046a76 commit caae55f
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Showing 24 changed files with 229 additions and 354 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module E = Expr
type t = {
propositional : Expr.Set.t;
model : ModelMap.t;
terms_values : (Shostak.Combine.r * string) Expr.Map.t
terms_values : Expr.t Expr.Map.t

let empty = {
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/frontend/models.mli
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Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
type t = {
propositional : Expr.Set.t;
model : ModelMap.t;
terms_values : (Shostak.Combine.r * string) Expr.Map.t
terms_values : Expr.t Expr.Map.t
(** A map from terms to their values in the model (as a
representative of type X.r and as a string. *)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ module Make (X : Sig.X) = struct
let module SX = Set.Make(struct type t=r let compare = X.hash_cmp end) in
let exception Found of Expr.t in
fun r distincts eq ->
if List.exists (fun (t,(_:r)) -> Expr.const_term t) eq then
if List.exists (fun (t,(_:r)) -> Expr.is_const_term t) eq then
(*match X.ac_extract r with
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -441,9 +441,8 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct
"[ADTs.models] assign_value currently not implemented";
raise (Util.Not_implemented "Models for ADTs")

let choose_adequate_model _ _ _ =
let to_const_term _r =
"[ADTs.models] choose_adequate_model currently not implemented";
"[ADTs.models] to_const_term currently not implemented";
raise (Util.Not_implemented "Models for ADTs")

50 changes: 6 additions & 44 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -809,49 +809,11 @@ module Shostak
cpt := Q.add (max_constant distincts !cpt);
Some (term_of_cst (Q.to_string !cpt), true)

let pp_constant ppf r =
let to_const_term r =
match P.is_const (embed r), X.type_info r with
| Some q, Ty.Tint ->
assert (Z.equal (Q.den q);
let i = Q.num q in
if Z.sign i = -1 then ppf "(- %a)" Z.pp_print (Z.abs i)
else ppf "%a" Z.pp_print i
| Some q, Ty.Treal ->
if Z.equal (Q.den q) then ppf "%a.0" Z.pp_print (Q.num q)
else if Q.sign q = -1 then ppf "(/ (- %a) %a)"
Z.pp_print (Z.abs (Q.num q))
Z.pp_print (Q.den q)
else ppf "(/ %a %a)" Z.pp_print (Q.num q) Z.pp_print (Q.den q)
| _ -> assert false

let choose_adequate_model t r l =
if Options.get_debug_interpretation () then
~module_name:"Arith" ~function_name:"choose_adequate_model"
"choose_adequate_model for %a" E.print t;
let l = List.filter (fun (_, r) -> P.is_const (embed r) != None) l in
let r =
match l with
| [] ->
(* We do this, because terms of some semantic values created
by CS are not created and added to UF *)
if (P.is_const (embed r) == None) then begin
~module_name:"Arith" ~function_name:"choose_adequate_model"
"no adequate model found for %a" X.print r;
assert false

| (_,r)::l ->
List.iter (fun (_,x) -> assert (X.equal x r)) l;
r, Fmt.str "%a" pp_constant r

| Some i, Ty.Tint ->
assert (Z.equal (Q.den i);
Some (Expr.Ints.of_Z (Q.num i))
| Some q, Ty.Treal -> Some (Expr.Reals.of_Q q)
| _ -> None
20 changes: 2 additions & 18 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,28 +60,12 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct
let abstract_selectors _ _ = assert false
let solve _ _ = assert false
let assign_value r _ eq =
if List.exists (fun (t,_) -> Expr.const_term t) eq then None
if List.exists (fun (t,_) -> Expr.is_const_term t) eq then None
match X.term_extract r with
| Some _, true ->
Some (Expr.fresh_name (X.type_info r), false)
| _ -> assert false

let choose_adequate_model _ _ l =
let acc =
(fun acc (s, r) ->
if not (Expr.const_term s) then acc
match acc with
| Some(s', _) when s' s > 0 -> acc
| _ -> Some (s, r)
) None l
match acc with
| Some (_, r) ->
r, Format.asprintf "%a" X.print r (* it's a EUF constant *)

| _ -> assert false

let to_const_term _r = assert false
40 changes: 10 additions & 30 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1536,34 +1536,14 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let bv = String.make sz '0' in
Some (E.bitv bv (Ty.Tbitv sz), true)

let choose_adequate_model t r l =
if Options.get_debug_interpretation () then
~module_name:"Bitv" ~function_name:"choose_adequate_model"
"choose_adequate_model for %a" E.print t;
let l = (fun (t, r) -> (t, r, embed r)) l in
let l = List.filter (fun (_, _, a) -> is_cte_abstract a) l in
let r, a =
match l with
| [] ->
let a = embed r in
assert (is_cte_abstract a);
r, a
| (_, r, a) :: l ->
List.iter (fun (_, x, _) -> assert (X.equal x r)) l;
r, a
let s = (function
| { bv = Cte b; sz } ->
Z.format ("%0" ^ string_of_int sz ^ "b") b
| _ ->
(* Cannot happen because [a] must satisfy [is_cte_abstract] at this
point. *)
assert false
) a
|> String.concat ""
r, "#b" ^ s

let to_const_term r =
match embed r with
| [{ bv = Cte b; sz }] ->
let s = Z.format ("%0" ^ string_of_int sz ^ "b") b in
Some (Expr.bitv s Ty.(Tbitv sz))
| _ :: _ -> "HERE@.";
| _ ->
22 changes: 5 additions & 17 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,21 +195,9 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct
Thus we don't need to guess new values here. *)

let choose_adequate_model _ r l =
let l =
(fun (_, r) -> match embed r with Cons _ -> true | _ -> false) l
let r = match l with
| (_,r)::l ->
List.iter (fun (_,x) -> assert (X.equal x r)) l;

| [] ->
(* We do this, because terms of some semantic values created
by CS are not created and added to UF *)
match embed r with Cons _ -> r | _ -> assert false
r, Format.asprintf "%a" X.print r (* it's a EUF constant *)

let to_const_term r =
match embed r with
| Cons (hs, ty) ->
Some (E.mk_term Sy.(Op (Constr hs)) [] ty)
| Alien a -> X.to_const_term a
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct
let abstract_selectors _ _ = assert false
let solve _ _ = assert false
let assign_value _ _ _ = assert false
let choose_adequate_model _ _ _ = assert false
let to_const_term _r = assert false
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@

module Hs = Hstring
module E = Expr
module Sy = Symbols

type 'a abstract =
| Record of (Hs.t * 'a abstract) list * Ty.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,7 +415,7 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct
| Access _ -> None

| Record (_, ty) ->
if List.exists (fun (t,_) -> Expr.const_term t) eq
if List.exists (fun (t,_) -> Expr.is_const_term t) eq
then None
else Some (Expr.fresh_name ty, false)

Expand All @@ -426,20 +427,19 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct
Some (s, false) (* false <-> not a case-split *)
| _ -> assert false

let choose_adequate_model _ _ l =
let acc =
(fun acc (s, r) ->
if not (Expr.const_term s) then acc
match acc with
| Some(s', _) when s' s > 0 -> acc
| _ -> Some (s, r)
) None l
match acc with
| Some (_,r) ->
r, Format.asprintf "%a" X.print r (* it's a EUF constant *)
| _ -> assert false
let to_const_term =
let rec to_const_term r =
match r with
| Record (fields, ty) ->
(* We can ignore the names of fields as they are inlined in the
type [ty] of the record. *)
let l =
Lists.try_map (fun (_name, rf) -> to_const_term rf) fields
Option.bind l @@ fun l ->
Some (E.mk_term Sy.(Op Record) l ty)

| Other (a, _) -> X.to_const_term a
| Access _ -> None
in fun r -> to_const_term (embed r)
90 changes: 27 additions & 63 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -270,6 +270,23 @@ struct
| Ac _ -> None, false (* SYLVAIN : TODO *)
| Term t -> Some t, true

let to_const_term r =
let res =
match r.v with
| Arith _ -> ARITH.to_const_term r
| Records _ -> RECORDS.to_const_term r
| Bitv _ -> BITV.to_const_term r
| Arrays _ -> ARRAYS.to_const_term r
| Enum _ -> ENUM.to_const_term r
| Adt _ -> ADT.to_const_term r
| Ite _ -> ITE.to_const_term r
| Term t when Expr.is_const_term t -> Some t
| Ac _ | Term _ -> None
Option.bind res @@ fun t ->
assert (Expr.is_const_term t);
Some t

let top () = term_embed Expr.vrai
let bot () = term_embed Expr.faux

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,7 +386,14 @@ struct
| Enum t -> ENUM.is_constant t
| Adt t -> ADT.is_constant t
| Ite t -> ITE.is_constant t
| Ac _ | Term _ -> false
| Term t ->
let Expr.{ f; xs; _ } = Expr.term_view t in
match f, xs with
| Symbols.(True | False | Void), [] -> true
| _ -> false
| Ac _ -> false

let subst p v r =
if equal p v then r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -646,8 +670,8 @@ struct

| Term t, ty -> (* case disable_adts() handled here *)
if Expr.const_term t ||
List.exists (fun (t,_) -> Expr.const_term t) eq then None
if Expr.is_const_term t ||
List.exists (fun (t,_) -> Expr.is_const_term t) eq then None
else Some (Expr.fresh_name ty, false) (* false <-> not a case-split *)
| _ ->
(* There is no model-generation support for the AC symbols yet.
Expand All @@ -663,66 +687,6 @@ struct
| None -> Format.asprintf "None"
| Some(res, _is_cs) -> Format.asprintf "%a" Expr.print res);

let choose_adequate_model t rep l =
let r, pprint =
match Expr.type_info t with
| Ty.Tint
| Ty.Treal -> ARITH.choose_adequate_model t rep l
| Ty.Tbitv _ -> BITV.choose_adequate_model t rep l
| Ty.Tsum _ -> ENUM.choose_adequate_model t rep l
| Ty.Tadt _ when not (Options.get_disable_adts()) ->
ADT.choose_adequate_model t rep l
| Ty.Trecord _ -> RECORDS.choose_adequate_model t rep l
| Ty.Tfarray _ -> ARRAYS.choose_adequate_model t rep l
| Ty.Tbool ->
(* case split is now supposed to be done for internal bools if
needed as well *)
assert (is_bool_const rep);
rep, Format.asprintf "%a" print rep
| _ ->
let acc =
(fun acc (s, r) ->
if Expr.const_term s then
match acc with
| Some(s', _) when s' s > 0 -> acc
| _ -> Some (s, r)
) None l
let r =
match acc with
| Some (_,r) -> r
| None ->
match term_extract rep with
| Some t, true when Expr.const_term t -> rep
| _ ->
let print_aux fmt (t,r) =
Format.fprintf fmt "> impossible case: %a -- %a@ "
Expr.print t
print r
if Options.get_debug_interpretation () then
~module_name:"Shostak" ~function_name:"choose_adequate_model"
"@[<v 2>What to choose for term %a with rep %a?\
Expr.print t
print rep
(Printer.pp_list_no_space print_aux) l;
assert false
r, Format.asprintf "%a" print r (* it's a EUF constant *)
if Options.get_debug_interpretation () then
~module_name:"Shostak" ~function_name:"choose_adequate_model"
"%a selected as a model for %a"
print r Expr.print t;
r, pprint


and TARITH : Polynome.T
Expand Down
11 changes: 2 additions & 9 deletions src/lib/reasoners/sig.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,11 +128,7 @@ module type SHOSTAK = sig
[Some (t, false)], then there must be no context in which
[solve r (fst X.make t)] raises [Unsolvable]. You have been warned! *)

(* choose the value to print and how to print it for the given term.
The second term is its representative. The list is its equivalence class
val choose_adequate_model : Expr.t -> r -> (Expr.t * r) list -> r * string

val to_const_term : r -> Expr.t option

module type X = sig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,8 +187,5 @@ module type X = sig
val assign_value :
r -> r list -> (Expr.t * r) list -> (Expr.t * bool) option

(* choose the value to print and how to print it for the given term.
The second term is its representative. The list is its equivalence class
val choose_adequate_model : Expr.t -> r -> (Expr.t * r) list -> r * string
val to_const_term : r -> Expr.t option

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