First of all, I would like to thank you for the great work and the associated effort on this project. The implementation and the forward-looking architecture is exemplary. Great work.
I added a few functions to my fork that made sense to me.
The currently generated power of each inverter is displayed in the inverter list.
The ESP32 is put into deep sleep mode at night to save energy.
Obsolete as now implemented in upstream in a much better manner
Use calculation of sunrise / sunset to stop the polling of the inverter at night times. Also allows specification of a offset (in minutes).
Since the OpenDTU works with several inverters in my case, I didn't want some of them to be taken into account in the total calculation of the live view.
- Inverters that I have installed at a neighbor's and whose function I only want to monitor
- Inverters powered by a battery
I have added a settings option to control the calculation.
If you are upgrading from a version before 15.03.2023 you have to upgrade the partition table of the ESP32. Please follow the this documentation!
This project was started from this discussion ( It was the goal to replace the original Hoymiles DTU (Telemetry Gateway) with their cloud access. With a lot of reverse engineering the Hoymiles protocol was decrypted and analyzed.
The documentation can be found here. Please feel free to support and create a PR in this repository to make the documentation even better.
Generated using: git log --date=short --pretty=format:"* %h%x09%ad%x09%s" | grep BREAKING
* 1b637f08 2024-01-30 BREAKING CHANGE: Web API Endpoint /api/livedata/status and /api/prometheus/metrics
* e1564780 2024-01-30 BREAKING CHANGE: Web API Endpoint /api/livedata/status and /api/prometheus/metrics
* f0b5542c 2024-01-30 BREAKING CHANGE: Web API Endpoint /api/livedata/status and /api/prometheus/metrics
* c27ecc36 2024-01-29 BREAKING CHANGE: Web API Endpoint /api/livedata/status
* 71d1b3b 2023-11-07 BREAKING CHANGE: Home Assistant Auto Discovery to new naming scheme
* 04f62e0 2023-04-20 BREAKING CHANGE: Web API Endpoint /api/eventlog/status no nested serial object
* 59f43a8 2023-04-17 BREAKING CHANGE: Web API Endpoint /api/devinfo/status requires GET parameter inv=
* 318136d 2023-03-15 BREAKING CHANGE: Updated partition table: Make sure you have a configuration backup and completly reflash the device!
* 3b7aef6 2023-02-13 BREAKING CHANGE: Web API!
* d4c838a 2023-02-06 BREAKING CHANGE: Prometheus API!
* daf847e 2022-11-14 BREAKING CHANGE: Removed deprecated config parsing method
* 69b675b 2022-11-01 BREAKING CHANGE: Structure WebAPI /api/livedata/status changed
* 27ed4e3 2022-10-31 BREAKING: Change power factor from percent value to value between 0 and 1
A list of all currently supported inverters can be found here