clone the project in you windows computer
add the ProductionAssets folder that you will find on the google drive folder (folder containing all comics animations and textures)
download the vuforia database from https://developer.vuforia.com/targetmanager and add the package into your project -> double click on it with the unity project open
if you have trouble with the vuforia database, go to vuforia, login, download the unity package corresponding to the vuforia database
open it with unity version 2018.2.20.f1
install the vuforia stuff that are missing (unity should pop up some windows to make you install the good stuff)
EVERYTHING we do will happend in the "Assets" folder, so when a [folder] is mentioned, it is always implied that we are talking about Assets/[folder]. other folders are configuration stuff specific to visual studio, unity, and the game settings that we can change in the unity editor
please write all of your folders and file names in UpperCamelCase
Editor : only vuforia stuff - this folder is made for elements that will have an impact on the unity editor UI, so we will not touch it
Materials : materials that will be applied to the different objects - textures or custom shaders are stored in different folders
Models : 3D models only. no unity prefabs
ProductionAssets : put here all of the stuff related to the story - models, comics and animations stuff. They will not be pushed in git, so put all the heavy stuff here. if you make prefabs using these things, put them in the Assets/Prefabs folder ! (so they are correctly pushed)
Ressources : Vuforia configuration stuff
Scenes : unity scenes
Streaming assets : Will also be used to store the cards matrix data in json files. Those are assets that need to be accessed via file names.
Textures : textures that will be used in the main game - all animations and cards textures shoud go in the streaming assets folder
Vuforia : vuforia stuff - do not touch
please have variables names in english (french comments are okay)
Class names are written in UpperCamelCase
functions names are written in UpperCamelCase (C# code guideline apparently)
variables names are written in lowerCamelCase
class property names are written in UpperCamelCase - eg : public int CardId { get; private set; }
public class members are allowed (but do not put everything in public if not necessary !) note : I think it is possible to change a private variable via inspector with a certain [flag] in the code (written between brackets[])
private / protected class members variables are written with " _ " as a prefix.
go to unity scene Assets/scene/AnimationCreation
duplicate the existing animation gameobject (char0 anim0 for example)
rename it to your new animation name [animName]
create a folder [animName] in Assets/ProductionAssets/ComicAnimations
paste your 4 png textures corresponding to the animation layers
create a new material with Unlit/transparentCutout for each layer (please call it "[animName] layer#") -> you can also copy it from another existing animation folder
put the corresponding texture in the base RGBA texture of the material
apply the material to the layer by dragging it onto it on the scene view
to animate your layer, select it and open the Animation window
create a new animation clip for your layer (make sure it goes into the Assets/ProductionAssets/[animName] folder)
add the property you want to animate (scale, rotation ...)
animate your element (don't forget to press the record button or your modifications will not be applied !) -> you can use the preview and play button to view your animation while making it -> you can tweak the animation curve in the curve tab of the animation window
when you are happy with your animation, drag it from the scene hierarchy into the project window (in Assets/ProductionAssets/[animName] folder)
mouseleft : rotate view
alt + mouseleft : zoom in and out view
Q : pan tool - click to move left-right-up-down
W : move tool - makes appear gameobject arrows to move an object
E : rotate tool - makes appear gameobject circles to rotate an object
R : scale tool - makes appear gameobject cubes to scale an object
T : Bounding box scale tool - makes appear gameobject bounding box to scale an object by dragging it's corners
Y : multi transform tool - makes appear all gameobject transform tools at the same time - move, rotate, scale