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The hierarchy builder is a service that forms part of the dataset import process. It requires a 'full' hierarchy to be available for the dataset you are importing

Getting started

Run the dp-hierarchy-builder service:

make debug

Hierarchy import scripts

The import scripts rely on the CLI tool for the database you're targeting:

  • cypher-shell for Neo4j / Cypher import
  • for Neptune / Gremlin imports

You may also need an SSH tunnel to the database if it's not running locally.

Example import for the CPIH full hierarchy: (replace the filename for other hierarchy import files)

Cypher: cypher-shell < import-scripts/cypher/cpih1dim1aggid.cypher

Gremlin: ./ import-scripts/gremlin/cpih1dim1aggid.grm

For Cypher imports, you can use additional flags if running against an environment other than localhost: cypher-shell -u USER -p PASSWORD -a bolt://localhost:7687 < .....

Kafka scripts

Scripts for updating and debugging Kafka can be found here(dp-data-tools)


Environment variable Default Description
BIND_ADDR :22700 The host and port to bind to
KAFKA_ADDR localhost:9092 A list of Kafka host addresses
KAFKA_VERSION 1.0.2 The kafka version that this service expects to connect to
KAFKA_OFFSET_OLDEST true sets kafka offset to oldest if true
KAFKA_SEC_PROTO unset if set to TLS, kafka connections will use TLS [1]
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_KEY unset PEM for the client key [1]
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_CERT unset PEM for the client certificate [1]
KAFKA_SEC_CA_CERTS unset CA cert chain for the server cert [1]
KAFKA_SEC_SKIP_VERIFY false ignores server certificate issues if true [1]
CONSUMER_GROUP dp-hierarchy-builder The name of the Kafka consumer group
CONSUMER_TOPIC observations-imported The name of the topic to consumes messages from
PRODUCER_TOPIC hierarchy-built The name of the topic to produces messages to
ERROR_PRODUCER_TOPIC import-error The name of the topic to send error messages to
GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT time.Second * 10 Time time to wait when gracefully shutting down before closing
HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL 30s The time between doing health checks
HEALTHCHECK_CRITICAL_TIMEOUT 90s The time taken for the health changes from warning state to critical due to subsystem check failures

Plus the graph database vars from dp-graph - namely GRAPH_DRIVER_TYPE and GRAPH_ADDR


  1. For more info, see the kafka TLS examples documentation

Graph / Neptune Configuration

Environment variable Default Description
GRAPH_DRIVER_TYPE "" string identifier for the implementation to be used (e.g. 'neptune' or 'mock')
GRAPH_ADDR "" address of the database matching the chosen driver type (web socket)
NEPTUNE_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY false flag to skip TLS certificate verification, should only be true when run locally

⚠️ to connect to a remote Neptune environment on MacOSX using Go 1.18 or higher you must set NEPTUNE_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY to true. See our Neptune guide for more details.


The /healthcheck endpoint returns the current status of the service. Dependent services are health checked on an interval defined by the HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL environment variable.

On a development machine a request to the health check endpoint can be made by:

curl localhost:22700/healthcheck

Command line tools

There are a number of utility applications for manual tasks (found under the cmd directory):

  • v4-transformer - take a V4 file and create a full hierarchy input file / cypher script
  • geography-transformer - take a geography input CSV file and output a full hierarchy input file / cypher script
  • hierarchy-transformer - take a hierarchy input CSV file and generate cypher script
  • builder - builds an instance hierarchy from a full hierarchy
  • producer - produces a Kafka message for the dp-hierarchy-builder process to consume

Manually building instance hierarchies

  • Manually create instance hierarchy for CPIH - note you will have to replace the value for 'instance-id'

go run cmd/builder/main.go --instance-id 27a4019f-6491-4876-bbdd-1439a40e5bb9 --dimension-name aggregate --code-list-id e44de4c4-d39e-4e2f-942b-3ca10584d078

  • Manually create instance hierarchy for mid-year-pop-est - note you will have to replace the value for 'instance-id'

go run cmd/builder/main.go --instance-id 34b8c139-a1fe-45b1-95e2-e77df3682256 --dimension-name geography --code-list-id mid-year-pop-geography

If running one of the above commands against an environment, you can specify the neo4j URL with the flag (replacing USER, PASSSWORD, host, and port as required):


transform a hierarchy input file to a cypher script (set FILE as required input file)

make FILE=./cmd/hierarchy-transformer/hierarchy.csv generate-full

output is written to ./cmd/hierarchy-transformer/output

transform a geography input file to a hierarchy input file / cypher script

make FILE=./cmd/geography-transformer/WD16_LAD16_CTY16_OTH_UK_LU.csv generate-full-from-geography

output is written to ``./cmd/geography-transformer/output`

transform a code,label,parent format csv to a hierarchy input file

go run cmd/code-label-parent-transformer/main.go --file import-scripts/code-label-parent-csv/$codelistid.csv --code-list-id $codelistid --output import-scripts/$codelistid.csv`

produce a Kafka message for the dp-hierarchy-builder process to consume

go run cmd/producer/main.go --instance-id '58004716-a2d4-4dd1-a6c3-6accab30ad2a' --code-list-id 'cpih1dim1aggid' --dimension-name 'aggregate'


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Copyright © 2016-2021, Office for National Statistics (

Released under MIT license, see LICENSE for details.