add support for PostgreSQL 9.6
improve and rename "ready_archives" to "archiver"
add service sequences_exhausted to monitor sequence usage
add service stat_snapshot_age to detect a stuck stats collector process
add service wal_receiver to monitor replication on standby's end
add service pgdata_permission to monitor rights and ownership of the PGDATA
add support for "pending restart" parameters from PostgreSQL 9.5+ in check_settings
add timeline id in perfdata output from wal_files
fix wal_files, archiver, check_is_replay_paused, check_hot_standby_delta, check_streaming_delta and check_replication_slots for PostgreSQL 10
fix archive_folder to handle compressed archived WAL properly
fix backends_status for PostgreSQL 9.6
warn when no rows are returned in custom_query service
make thresholds optional in service hot_standby_delta
make thresholds optional in service streaming_delta
remove useless thresholds in backends/maximum_connections perfdata
add warn/crit threshold to steaming_delta perfdatas
use parameter server_version_num to detect PostgreSQL version
fix a race condition in is_storable to handle concurrent executions
fix a bug in service locks that occurs with PostgreSQL 8.2
fix rounding in hit_ratio
fix perl warning when some ENV variables are not defined
fix bug in "human" output format
fix version check for all hosts for service hot_standby_delta
fix bug in pg_dump_backups related to age of global files
fix documentation about default db connection
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