The AudioInfo Generator is a command-line tool that generates an audioinfo file for a given directory containing FLAC files. This README provides an overview of the tool's functionality, usage, and command-line options.
audioinfo-generator [FLAGS] --input <DIRECTORY> [--output <OUTPUT>] [--print]
--input: Sets the directory to scan for FLAC files (required).
--output: Sets the output directory for the generated audioinfo file. If not provided, the audioinfo file will be saved in the current working directory with the name "audioinfo.txt".
--print: If specified, the generated audioinfo content will be printed to the standard output instead of saving it to a file.
--verbose or -v: Enables verbose (debug) output. This option can be used to get more detailed information during the execution of the tool.
-h: Show help menu of the tool
Currently clap has a issue with trailing slashes on paths. So if you encounter a issue when trying to generate a file with a path such as
.\audioinfo.exe inputi 'H:\test\test\test_album\'
Please remove the trailing slash as this causes clap to attach a "
to the end
## Generate an audioinfo file for FLAC files in a specified directory and save it to a custom output file:
```audioinfo --input /path/to/your/flac_files --output /path/to/output/audioinfo.txt```
## Generate an audioinfo file for FLAC files in a specified directory and print the content to the standard output:
```audioinfo-generator --input /path/to/your/flac_files --print```
## Enable verbose (debug) output:
```audioinfo --input /path/to/your/flac_files --verbose```