This repository contains an OS2mo AMQP Trigger that marks organisation units with one of four categories; Line management, self-owned, hidden or outside hierarchy.
An organisation unit is part of line management if:
- The unit-level is NY{x}-niveau or Afdelings-niveau.
- There are engagements or associations.
- The organisation unit is bellow a unit that is defined as root of line management in the configuration of this program.
If an organisation unit is not part of line management but has an it-account in a configured it-system it is marked as self-owned.
Any org_units that are configured to be hidden will be marked as such, and the same for each unit below it.
If an organisation unit does not fall into any of the above categories it will be marked as 'outside hierarchy'.
Adjust the environment variables either;
directly in
or -
by creating a
file. -
: variable to OS2mo's running message-broker, -
: The it-system to check if the unit should be marked as self-owned.
Start the container using docker-compose
(assuming you already have a running development-instance of os2mo):
docker-compose up -d
You should see the following:
[info ] Starting metrics server port=800
[info ] Register called function=organisation_gatekeeper_callback routing_key=org_unit.org_unit.*
[info ] Starting AMQP system
[info ] Establishing AMQP connection host=msg_broker path=/ port=5672 scheme=amqp user=guest
[info ] Creating AMQP channel
[info ] Attaching AMQP exchange to channel exchange=os2mo
[info ] Declaring unique message queue function=organisation_gatekeeper_callback queue_name=os2mo-amqp-trigger-organisation-gatekeeper_organisation_gatekeeper_callback
[info ] Starting message listener function=organisation_gatekeeper_callback
[info ] Binding routing keys function=organisation_gatekeeper_callback
[info ] Binding routing-key function=organisation_gatekeeper_callback routing_key=org_unit.org_unit.*
After which each message will add:
[debug ] Received message function=organisation_gatekeeper_callback routing_key=org_unit.org_unit.edit
[info ] Message received object_type=org_unit payload=... request_type=edit service_type=org_unit
And at which point metrics should be available at localhost:8000
, and line management information will be updated.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install all dependencies:
poetry install
- Set up pre-commit:
poetry run pre-commit install
You use poetry
and pytest
to run the tests:
poetry run pytest
You can also run specific files
poetry run pytest tests/<test_folder>/<>
and even use filtering with -k
poetry run pytest -k "Manager"
You can use the flags -vx
where v
prints the test & x
makes the test stop if any tests fails (Verbose, X-fail)
To run the integration tests, an AMQP instance must be available.
If an instance is already available, it can be used by configuring the AMQP__URL
environmental variable. Alternatively a RabbitMQ can be started in docker, using:
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
This project uses Semantic Versioning with the following strategy:
- MAJOR: Incompatible changes to existing data models
- MINOR: Backwards compatible updates to existing data models OR new models added
- PATCH: Backwards compatible bug fixes
Magenta ApS
This project uses: MPL-2.0
This project uses REUSE for licensing. All licenses can be found in the LICENSES folder of the project.