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setting up a hardened ovos-core under QubesOS


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setting up a hardened ovos-core under QubesOS



The aim here is to bring maximum isolation between services and reduce the chance that a misbehaved component can mess with the system


  • one ovos service corresponds to one qube
  • whenever possible a service is disconnected from the internet
  • whenever possible a service is firewalled to only allow specific outgoing connections


gray - no internet
green - only whitelisted outgoing connections
yellow - internet access
  • sys-ovos-firewall
  • template-ovos-base
    • templateVM
    • /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf lives here
    • system packages installed/updated here
  • ovos-backend
    • AppVM
    • ovos-local-backend installed as user
    • sys-ovos-firewall needed for API services / remote STT
    • 6712 port exposed to other ovos qubes
    • can be configured as a selene proxy if desired
  • ovos-bus
    • AppVM
    • ovos-bus installed as user
    • sys-ovos-firewall not needed
    • 8181 port exposed to other ovos qubes
  • ovos-gui
    • AppVM
    • ovos-gui installed as user
    • sys-ovos-firewall not needed
    • 18181 port exposed to ovos-gui-client qubes
  • ovos-audio
    • AppVM
    • ovos-audio installed as user
    • sys-ovos-firewall needed for stream playback / remote TTS
  • ovos-speech
    • AppVM
    • ovos-speech installed as user
    • sys-ovos-firewall needed for remote STT
    • mic needs to be explicitly attached
  • ovos-skills
    • AppVM
    • ovos-skills installed as user
    • sys-ovos-firewall needed for internet skills
  • ovos-phal
    • AppVM
    • ovos-PHAL installed as user
    • dedicated plugins for qubes need to be written ⚠️
  • ovos-gui-client
    • StandaloneVM
    • based on ubuntu template
    • mycroft-gui installed as user from source
    • sys-ovos-firewall needed for stream playback / web browsing / remote pictures

Creating OVOS Qubes

qubes manager


  • clone a debian template VM as template-ovos-base
  • debloat the image
    sudo apt purge firefox-esr thunderbird keepassxc nautilus
    sudo apt purge emacs*
    sudo apt purge vim*
    sudo apt autoremove
  • install system packages
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip swig libfann-dev portaudio19-dev libpulse-dev libespeak-ng1
    sudo apt-get install qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root
  • create mycroft.conf
    sudo mkdir /etc/mycroft
    sudo nano /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf
  • configure to your liking
      "lang": "en-us",
      "time_format": "full",
      "date_format": "DMY",
      "gui": {
        "extension": "smartspeaker",
        "idle_display_skill": "skill-ovos-homescreen.openvoiceos"
      "stt": {"module": "ovos-stt-plugin-vosk"},
      "tts": {"module": "ovos-tts-plugin-mimic3"},
      "padatious": {"regex_only": true},
      "server": {
        "disabled": true
      "debug": true,
      "log_level": "DEBUG"


  • create ovos-backend qubes from template-ovos-base

  • select sys-ovos-firewall as NetVM

  • (optional) make this qube launch on boot

  • install ovos-local-backend (no sudo!)

    pip install git+
  • install extra STT plugins

    • system dependencies (if any) need to be installed in template-ovos-base
    • install recommended plugins
    pip install ovos-stt-plugin-server 
    pip install ovos-stt-plugin-vosk
  • configure backend nano ~/.config/json_database/ovos_backend.json

      "stt": {
        "module": "ovos-stt-plugin-server",
        "ovos-stt-plugin-server": {"url": ""}
      "selene": {
        "enabled": false,
        "proxy_pairing": true
      "backend_port": 6712,
      "skip_auth": true,
      "geolocate": true,
      "override_location": false,
      "api_version": "v1",
      "data_path": "~",
      "record_utterances": false,
      "record_wakewords": false,
      "wolfram_key": "$KEY",
      "owm_key": "$KEY",
      "lang": "en-us",
      "date_format": "DMY",
      "system_unit": "metric",
      "time_format": "full",
      "default_location": {
        "city": {"...": "..."},
        "coordinate": {"...": "..."},
        "timezone": {"...": "..."}

    ⚠️ only ovos-skills will have a identity2.json, "skip_auth" needs to be set, pairing is not shared across ovos qubes ⚠️

  • create nano

    /home/user/.local/bin/ovos-local-backend >> /home/user/backend.log 2>&1 &
  • create .desktop file to autostart ovos-backend when the VM boots nano /home/user/.config/autostart/ovos-backend.desktop

    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=OVOS Local Backend
    Exec=bash /home/user/
  • Enable ovos-backend in template-ovos-base or in every independent ovos-XXX qube

  • (optional) setup firewall rules, only allow outgoing connections to the domains of provided services


  • create ovos-bus qubes from template-ovos-base
  • set none as NetVM, this service does not need to reach to the internet
  • (optional) make this qube launch on boot
  • install ovos-bus (no sudo!)
    pip install ovos-core[bus]
  • create nano
    /home/user/.local/bin/mycroft-messagebus >> /home/user/bus.log 2>&1 &
  • create .desktop file to autostart ovos-bus when the VM boots nano /home/user/.config/autostart/mycroft-messagebus.desktop
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=OVOS Messagebus
    Exec=bash /home/user/
  • (optional) disable ovos-backend


  • create ovos-audio qubes from template-ovos-base
  • select sys-ovos-firewall as NetVM
  • (optional) make this qube launch on boot
  • install ovos-audio (no sudo!)
    pip install ovos-core[audio,tts,audio_backend]
  • install extra TTS plugins
    • system dependencies (if any) need to be installed in template-ovos-base
    • install recommended plugins
    pip install ovos-tts-plugin-marytts
    pip install ovos-tts-plugin-mimic3
  • create nano
    /home/user/.local/bin/mycroft-audio >> /home/user/audio.log 2>&1 &
  • create .desktop file to autostart ovos-audio when the VM boots nano /home/user/.config/autostart/mycroft-audio.desktop
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=OVOS Audio Service
    Exec=bash /home/user/
  • expose ovos-bus to ovos-audio
  • (optional) Enable ovos-backend
    • you need to copy identity2.json from ovos-skills to keep the device uuid
  • (optional) setup firewall rules, only allow outgoing connections to the domains of remote TTS


  • create ovos-skills qubes from template-ovos-base
  • select sys-ovos-firewall as NetVM
  • (optional) make this qube launch on boot
  • install ovos-skills (no sudo!)
    pip install ovos-core[skills]
  • install skills
    • system dependencies (if any) need to be installed in template-ovos-base
    • install recommended skills (TODO add list)
  • create nano
    /home/user/.local/bin/mycroft-skills >> /home/user/skills.log 2>&1 &
  • create .desktop file to autostart ovos-skills when the VM boots nano /home/user/.config/autostart/mycroft-skills.desktop
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=OVOS Skills Service
    Exec=bash /home/user/
  • expose ovos-bus to ovos-skills
  • (optional) Enable ovos-backend


  • create ovos-speech qubes from template-ovos-base
  • (optional) select sys-ovos-firewall as NetVM
  • (optional) make this qube launch on boot
  • install ovos-speech (no sudo!)
    pip install ovos-core[stt]
  • install extra STT plugins
    • system dependencies (if any) need to be installed in template-ovos-base
    • install recommended plugins
    pip install ovos-stt-plugin-selene 
    pip install ovos-stt-plugin-vosk
    pip install ovos-stt-plugin-chromium
  • create nano
    /home/user/.local/bin/mycroft-speech-client >> /home/user/stt.log 2>&1 &
  • create .desktop file to autostart ovos-speech when the VM boots nano /home/user/.config/autostart/mycroft-stt.desktop
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=OVOS Speech Client
    Exec=bash /home/user/
  • expose ovos-bus to ovos-speech
  • (optional) Enable ovos-backend
    • integrates with selene stt plugin
      • if using selene stt plugin you can set NetVM to none
    • you need to copy identity2.json from ovos-skills to keep the device uuid
  • attach microphone


  • create ovos-phal qubes from template-ovos-base
  • select sys-ovos-firewall as NetVM
    • depending on plugins installed this may be set to None
  • (optional) make this qube launch on boot
  • install ovos-phal (no sudo!)
    pip install ovos-phal
  • install phal plugins
    • system dependencies (if any) need to be installed in template-ovos-base
    • install recommended plugins (TODO add list)
  • create nano
    /home/user/.local/bin/ovos_PHAL >> /home/user/phal.log 2>&1 &
  • create .desktop file to autostart ovos-phal when the VM boots nano /home/user/.config/autostart/PHAL.desktop
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=OVOS PHAL Service
    Exec=bash /home/user/
  • expose ovos-bus to ovos-phal
  • (optional) disable ovos-backend


  • create ovos-gui qubes from template-ovos-base
  • set none as NetVM, this service does not need to reach to the internet
  • (optional) make this qube launch on boot
  • install ovos-gui (no sudo!)
    pip install ovos-core[gui]
  • create nano
    /home/user/.local/bin/mycroft-gui-service >> /home/user/gui.log 2>&1 &
  • create .desktop file to autostart ovos-gui when the VM boots nano /home/user/.config/autostart/mycroft-gui-messagebus.desktop
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=OVOS GUI Messagebus
    Exec=bash /home/user/
  • expose ovos-bus to ovos-gui
  • (optional) disable ovos-backend


  • install community ubuntu template in dom0
    • download here to some qube, eg dl_qube
    • copy downloaded file to dom0 qvm-run --pass-io dl_qube 'cat /home/user/Downloads/focal.rpm' > /home/user/focal.rpm
    • install sudo dnf install focal.rpm
    • ⚠️ Fix no audio bug
  • create ovos-gui-client qubes from focal as a StandaloneVM
  • select sys-ovos-firewall as NetVM
  • install mycroft-gui
    git clone
    cd mycroft-gui
  • expose ovos-bus to ovos-gui-client
  • expose ovos-gui to ovos-gui-client
  • launch mycroft-gui-app from this qube when wanted
    • (optional) launch on qube on boot
    • (optional) launch mycroft gui on VM startup

Connecting the Qubes

We need to open a TCP port to other network-isolated qubes for ovos-bus, ovos-gui and ovos-backend

exposed ports

  • expose port 8181
    • from ovos-bus to ovos-audio
    • from ovos-bus to ovos-speech
    • from ovos-bus to ovos-skills
    • from ovos-bus to ovos-gui
    • from ovos-bus to ovos-gui-client
    • from ovos-bus to ovos-phal
  • expose port 6712
    • from ovos-backend to ovos-skills
    • (optional) from ovos-backend to ovos-speech
      • required if using selene plugin
  • expose port 18181
    • from ovos-gui to ovos-gui-client


Firewall ovos-backend

ovos-backend can be restricted to only allow certain outgoing connections, this is a very good idea since we know exactly which services this qube needs to connect and why

backend firewall

service domain used for required by disabled by
IPify ip geolocation "geolocate": true "override_location": true
OpenWeatherMap weather api "owm_key": "your_key" "proxy_weather": true
OpenStreetMap geolocation api default "proxy_geolocation": true
WolframAlpha wolfram alpha api "wolfram_key": "your_key" "proxy_wolfram": true
OpenVoiceOS free microservice proxies default "xxx_key": "your_key" or "proxy_xxx": true (wolfram + weather)
Email Service ? SMTP email server "email": {"..."} "proxy_email": true
STT Service ? remote STT transcription some stt plugins default
Selene selene proxy integration "selene": {"enabled": true} default

Choose an offline STT

There are some offline STT options listed below, if any of those is acceptable to you then you should configure ovos-qubes to use it, this way your speech will never leave your computer

Option 1 - directly in ovos-speech

  • configure ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf to use your offline-stt-plugin
  • ensure ovos-speech has no NetVM
  • (optional) disable ovos-backend
    • ovos-backend only needed if you want metrics upload

Option 2 - in ovos-backend

  • configure ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf to use your ovos-backend
  • configure ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf to use your selene-plugin
  • configure ~/.config/json_database/ovos_backend.json to use your offline-stt-plugin
  • expose ovos-backend to ovos-speech
  • ensure ovos-speech has no NetVM
    • ovos-backend will still be available

How to

Enable ovos-backend

By default ovos-core does not use a backend, we need to explicitly enable ovos-backend in mycroft.conf

to enable ovos-backend edit mycroft.conf in the desired qubes with the following

  "server": {
    "disabled": false,
    "url": "",
    "version": "v1",
    "update": true,
    "metrics": true
  "listener": {
    "wake_word_upload": {
      "url": ""
  "opt_in": true

to disable backend edit mycroft.conf with the following

  "server": {
    "disabled": true

Option 1 - globally, in template-ovos-base

Option 2 - selectively, per qube

  • edit ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf in ovos-XXX
  • enable backend in ovos-skills
    • expose ovos-backend to ovos-skills
    • needed for pairing process
    • needed for metrics
    • needed for device configuration via backend (location, preferences, skill settings)
    • needed for skills that use the microservices (email, geolocation, weather, wolfram alpha)
  • (optional) enable backend in ovos-audio
    • expose ovos-backend to ovos-audio
    • needed for metrics
    • needed for tts configuration via backend
    • copy identity2.json from ovos-skills or enable skip_auth in backend config
  • (optional) enable backend in ovos-speech
    • expose ovos-backend to ovos-speech
    • needed for metrics
    • needed for wake word configuration via backend
    • needed for ovos-stt-plugin-selene
    • needed for wake word upload
    • needed for utterance upload
    • copy identity2.json from ovos-skills or enable skip_auth in backend config
  • disable backend in ovos-bus, it's not used
  • disable backend in ovos-gui, it's not used
  • disable backend in ovos-phal, it's not used

Expose ovos-bus to other qubes

expose port 8181 from ovos-bus to ovos-XXX qube

  • open a terminal in dom0
  • sudo nano /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.ConnectTCP
  • add a new line with ovos-XXX @default allow, target=ovos-bus for every ovos qube
  • a reboot will needed for change to take effect

open a terminal in ovos-XXX and create the system services to open a socket and connect to ovos-bus on launch

  • create bus.socket sudo nano /rw/config/bus.socket


  • create bus.service sudo nano bus@.service

ExecStart=qrexec-client-vm '' qubes.ConnectTCP+8181
  • edit rc.local to launch the service on qube launch sudo /rw/config/rc.local

# This script will be executed at every VM startup, you can place your own
# custom commands here. This includes overriding some configuration in /etc,
# starting services etc.
cp -r /rw/config/bus.socket /rw/config/bus@.service /lib/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start bus.socket 

Expose ovos-backend to other qubes

expose port 6712 from ovos-backend to ovos-XXX qube

  • open a terminal in dom0
  • sudo nano /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.ConnectTCP
  • add a new line with ovos-XXX @default allow, target=ovos-backend for every ovos qube
  • a reboot will needed for change to take effect

open a terminal in ovos-XXX and create the system services to open a socket and connect to ovos-backend on launch

  • create backend.socket sudo nano /rw/config/backend.socket


  • create backend.service sudo nano backend@.service

ExecStart=qrexec-client-vm '' qubes.ConnectTCP+6712
  • edit rc.local to launch the service on qube launch sudo /rw/config/rc.local

# This script will be executed at every VM startup, you can place your own
# custom commands here. This includes overriding some configuration in /etc,
# starting services etc.
cp -r /rw/config/backend.socket /rw/config/backend@.service /lib/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start backend.socket 

Expose ovos-gui to other qubes

expose port 18181 from ovos-gui to ovos-XXX qube

  • open a terminal in dom0
  • sudo nano /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.ConnectTCP
  • add a new line with ovos-XXX @default allow, target=ovos-gui
  • a reboot will needed for change to take effect

open a terminal in ovos-gui-client and create the system service to open a socket and connect to ovos-gui on launch

  • create gui.socket sudo nano /rw/config/gui.socket


  • create gui.service sudo nano gui@.service

ExecStart=qrexec-client-vm '' qubes.ConnectTCP+18181
  • edit rc.local to launch the service on qube launch sudo /rw/config/rc.local

# This script will be executed at every VM startup, you can place your own
# custom commands here. This includes overriding some configuration in /etc,
# starting services etc.
cp -r /rw/config/gui.socket /rw/config/gui@.service /lib/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start gui.socket 


No audio in ubuntu template

There seems to be a bug in the ubuntu template recommended above

To fix this open a terminal in your ubuntu template + standaloneVMs and run

sudo ln -s /lib/pulse-13.99/modules/ /lib/pulse-13.99.1/modules/


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