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Releases: OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-library-js


12 Jul 23:55
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  • Fixed dialog.url.submit api to support only FrameContext.content.
  • Updated clipboard.isSupported so that it does not depend on navigator.clipboard in frameless contexts.
  • Updated whitespace in clipboard.ts to match conventions


12 Jun 15:32
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Minor changes

  • Updated app.lifecycle.registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler to be asynchronous, and updated app.lifecycle.registerOnResumeHandler to accept a new Handler type, changing contentUrl from string to URL object.
  • Added uuid parameter to MessageRequest and MessageResponse interfaces
  • Added a new page property (isBackgroundLoad) for app context. This will be an indicator that the app is being loaded in the background.


10 May 09:49
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Minor changes

  • Added a new API externalAppAuthentication.authenticateWithPowerPlatformConnectorPlugins. It can be used to perform authentication with Power Platform connector plugins.
  • Added messageChannels.telemetry and moved existing telemetryPort code into it. Added new messageChannels.dataLayer subcapability and added code for interacting with the host data layer.
  • Added meeting.getMeetingDetailsVerbose to allow retrieving additional meeting details from supported hosts.
  • Added support for content frame context to liveShare capability. Live Share SDK works now in Chat/Channel Tab and Collab Stage view contexts with this change.


  • Cleaned up import structure in the private folder
  • Fixed API telemetry tag for pages.navigateToApp function
  • Updated authentication.authenticate so that it only accepts https URLs.
  • Added validMessageOrigins to be passed to parentWindow.
  • Updated webStorage capability to query host for capability support, rather than using a hardcoded answer.
  • Fixed a bug with exported const enums
  • Made a skeletonized version of the buffer npm package as a temporary measure to reduce bundle size


11 Apr 07:27
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Minor changes

  • Added OtherAppStateChange capability that will allow limited 1P apps to receive events when other apps are installed on the host. The capability is still awaiting support in one or more host applications. To track availability of this capability across different hosts see
  • Added an optional parameter fromElement to processActionOpenUrl in externalAppCardActions
  • Validate appId in all APIs in externalAppAuthentication, externalAppCardActions and externalAppCommands.
  • Added nested app auth support check api for app developers
  • Added a new API externalAppAuthentication.authenticateWithOauth2. It can be used to signal to the host to perform Oauth2 authentication for the app specified by title id.
  • Added externalAppCommands 1P internal-only capability


  • Made some enums const to reduce package size
  • Fixed clipboard issue for desktop client to resolve 'DOMExecption: Document not focused' error
  • Removed one default valid origin
  • Removed validation that appIds are UUIDs since some very old published apps have IDs that are not UUIDs (they were published before the manifest schema specified they had to be UUIDs)


15 Mar 23:26
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Minor changes

  • Added meeting.joinMeeting function
  • Removed Beta/Preview tag on chat capability. To track availability of this capability across different hosts see


  • Updated all capabilities to include versions to enable hosts to identify exact function being used
  • Updated documentation on OpenSingleChatRequest interface and updated all URLs to remove locale-specific portions.
  • Updated base64ToBlob function to accept special characters
  • Removed one default valid origin
  • Fixed bug where authentication.getUser telemetry was being incorrectly recorded
  • Fixed bug in API Version telemetry


07 Feb 20:39
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Wed, 07 Feb 2024 18:02:49 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added communication for nested app auth
  • Added private MessageChannels capability
  • Enabled acquiring of access token for cross-tenant resources
  • Added new subcapability dialog.url.parentCommunication for dialog-parent communication related APIs. The isSupported function in this subcapability will return false if it is invoked from a parentless scenario.


  • Added telemetry for appInitialization, appInstallDialog, appWindow, calendar, and videoEffectEx capabilities.
  • Added apiVersionTag for telemetry in Profile, Search, SecondaryBrowser, Settings, Sharing, StageView, VideoEffects and VisualMedia capabilites
  • Fixed bug where thirdPartyCloudStorage.getDragAndDropFiles failed deterministically
  • Updated eslint package and fixed subsequent linting errors
  • Removed unused callbackUrl parameter from authentication.notifySuccess and authentication.notifyFailure (in an API-compatible way)
  • Added telemetry to chat, interactive, meeting, menus,monetization and people capabilities
  • Added apiVersionTags for telemetry in Conversations, Files, Logs, MeetingRoom and Notifications capabilities
  • Added to validOrigins list
  • Added apiVersionTag for telemetry in privateAPIs and remoteCamera, teams, videoEffectsEx capabilities


10 Jan 20:59
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Wed, 10 Jan 2024 19:55:18 GMT

Minor changes

  • Changed target TypeScript platform to ES2015 (aka ES6) from ES5
  • Removed cardActionsConfig property from externalAppCardActions.processActionSubmit API
  • Added externalAppAuthentication and externalAppCardActions 1P internal-only capabilities
  • Added size property to internal FilePreviewParameters interface
  • Added timeout notifications (2 seconds) to video frame processing in videoEffectsEx capability
  • Added new feature to acquire list of valid origins from a CDN endpoint
  • Updated the external app capabilities interfaces
  • Added a new optional parameter, shareOptions to meeting.shareAppContentToStage. Apps can choose between collaborative and screen sharing for the protocol used when sharing an app to stage.
  • Added support for drag and dropping files from third party storage providers using the thirdPartyCloudStorage capability
  • Marked composeExtension property on IQueryMessageExtensionResponse as optional and added additional input validation on externalAppAuthentication and externalAppCardActions APIs
  • Made composeExtension a required field on IQueryMessageExtensionResponse


  • Added support for sharing capability in default runtime for Teams mobile platform
  • Updated runtime capabilities for webStorage to avoid duplicate entry
  • Removed app and app.lifecycle from runtime.


01 Dec 00:25
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Thu, 30 Nov 2023 23:24:44 GMT

Minor changes

  • Extended RequestAppAudioHandlingParams by adding audioDeviceSelectionChangedCallback for speaker selection updates


  • Added meetingStage and settings framecontexts to clipboard.
  • Added additional telemetry to App, Dialog, GeoLocation, Location, Navigation, Pages, and Tasks capabilities
  • Created new MessageRequest interface with required properties to enhance type-safety
  • Added telemetry to barcode, calendar, call, clipboard, mail, marketplace and media capabilities
  • Fixed strictNullChecks violations in media.ts, mediaUtil.ts, and other files
  • Fixed calls to chat.openChat and chat.openGroupChat when only a single user is specified
  • Fixed more strictNullChecks violations
  • Deleted isSupported check from app.lifecycle subcapability since app resumption cannot be guaranteed even when it is supported.


01 Nov 19:12
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Wed, 01 Nov 2023 18:15:02 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added optional field openMode to open stageView in new modes if supported by host
  • Updated app.lifecycle handlers, registerBeforeSuspendOrTerminateHandler and registerOnResumeHandler, so that they will overwrite teamsCore's registered handlers, registerBeforeUnloadHandler and registerOnLoadHandler, respectively.
  • Added a new capability visualMedia and subcapability visualMedia.image for capturing images from device camera and gallery


  • Started logging name of script currently executing when teamsjs is first loaded
  • Exported all publicly referenced but unexported types
  • Fixed some locations violating strictNullChecks
  • Updated default runtime for Teams Mobile to indicate that pages.appButton, pages.tabs, and stageView are not supported.
  • Deleted unnecessary subcapability named caching from app.lifecycle in runtime
  • Updated capability merging code to support properly merging subcapabilities


11 Oct 22:49
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Wed, 11 Oct 2023 16:51:27 GMT

Minor changes

  • Added lifecycle subcapability in app.ts to support caching
  • Added HostName.places to the list of application hosts


  • Reset registered handlers for unit testing
  • Renamed Teams back-compat config for clarity
  • Improved reference docs for the meeting namespace and hid the appShareButton module.
  • Changed namespace video to videoEffects, changed namespace videoEx to videoEffectsEx