The main purpose of this project was to provide a payment and informational platform for a language school with offices in Lagos, Nigeria. This website was created to provide various users with comprehensive information on the four foreign languages the school offers. Using a secure payment gateway, a user can preview a course, choose whether it fits into their schedule, then pay for it ("Paystack").
Major Components of the Project includes 1 Optimal layout for the site depending on user's device's screen size 2 Accordion 3 Payment Gateway 4 Carousel slider for testimonials 5 Interactive form fields 6 Table 7 Add to Cart functionality
- Live Site URL:
- React.Js
- Redux
- Styled Components
- React Router
- CSS Media Queries
- Mobile-first workflow
- React Slick For Carousel
- Twitter - @jhimmyofficial
The project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.