Personal collection of tips, tricks and ressources for cyber security.
TryHackMe is a great platform to learn cyber security! Most information are from there. I espacially recommend to get started with the AdventOfCyber.
HTTP is stateless → (server-)session identification with cookies stored on client (i.e. web browser)
- Cookies can only be access by sites of same domain
URL: subdomain.domain.TLD/ressource?param=value, i.e.¶m2=2
Reverse shells:
- Try to load and execute a reverse shell on the remote-machine!
- Listener: sudo netcat -lvnp {port}
- Port: use common, open ports, such as 443 or 80
- Revere-Shell Cheatsheet
- Upgrading a (reverse) shell:
- python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
- export TERM=xterm
- Ctrl + Z
- stty raw -echo; fg → Now you can use: tab autocomplete, arrow keys, and ctrl+c
BurpSuite: track http-traffic & perform dictionary attacks on websites and http-requests
- used for fuzzing
- Perform dictionary attacks by iterating through a list of credentials (e.g. rockyou.txt) for a specific http-request
- Intercept traffic by proxying through BurpSuite (use FoxyProxy extension in Firefox or build-in browser)
- Select request with credentials & send to "Intruder" tab
- Select payloads for each position
- Start attack
- BurpSuite can also be used to track all network requests and drop specific requests
Discovering web-site directories and bruteforcing url parameters:
- gobuster: Bruteforce common paths (files and folders), aka 'enumerating a website'
- example: gobuster {-m} {dir} -u -w wordlist.txt -x php,txt,html -t 40
- dirbuster
- example: dirb ./mywordlist.txt
- wfuzz: replace url parts with wordlists (e.g. parameters)
- example: wfuzz -c -z file,mywordlist.txt -d “username=FUZZ&password=FUZZ” -u http://shibes.thm/login.php
- example: wfuzz -c -z file,big.txt
- wordlist for common paths & folder names: big.txt
- gobuster: Bruteforce common paths (files and folders), aka 'enumerating a website'
- --> AWS Pentesting tool that lets you use one-liner commands to backdoor an AWS account's resources. Docs include top prevention and intrusion methods.
- SQLMap: tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws on websites
- Install: git clone --depth 1 sqlmap-dev
- Cheatsheet
- bypass WAF with --tamper=space2comment flag
- Workflow:
- Submit a request on the web application we suspect to be vulnerable
- Intercept request with BurpSuite
- Send request to repeater & save request in file
- sqlmap -r filename → will automatically exploit database
- XSS (Cross-Site Scripting):
- OWASP ZAP: open-source web application security scanner to automatically detect web vulnerabilities for a website
- just use the automated scan
- Preventing XSS and SQLi
- all user input should be sanitized at both the client and server-side so that potentially malicious characters are removed
- Smart developers should always implement a filter to any text input field and follow a strict set of rules regarding processing the inputted data, see cheatsheet
- Wireshark: Wireshark is capable of recording a log of all the packets sent and received on a computer's network adapter
- nmap: most important port scanning tool
- common options: -sS | -T{0-5} | -A | -O | -sV | -Pn
- use scripting engine to performe advanced analysis tasks:
- exapmle: nmap --script ftp-proftpd-backdoor -p 21 {ip_address}
- protect against nmap scans with IDS & IPS Systems: Snort or Suricata. These services need to be installed on a firewall such as pfSense.
- Server-Side Requst Forgery: vulnerability that allows attackers to force the web application server to make requests to resources it normally wouldn't
- bypass upload filter (e.g. to upload a reverse shell script):
- client-side filtering: block request using e.g. BurpSuite; this way, js-files can be dropped
- server-side filtering: of often these filters fitler by file-extension. Avoid these filters by naming files as follows: FILE.jpg.php
- VirusTotal
- scan files, URLs, IP addresses, domains, or a file hash you provide using 60+ different Antivirus software products and displays a summary of their scan results
- don't upload file that could contain sensitive information directly. Its better to compute the file hash (MD5) and search for file hash
Enumeration for priviledge escalation. Guides:
- manual enumeration cheatsheet
- more verbose guide for enumeration
- complete cheatsheet and toollist for enumeration
- automated enumeration with LinEnum
- Databse of Binaries that can be used to escalate priviledges can be found here
- most software has known vulnarabilities. These are collected in databases.
- Vulnarabilities can be found by searching for software + version-number.
- vulnerabilities are identified with a CVE-Number.
- exploit-db
- (rapid7)
- (mitre)
- first, look up a vulnarability for your version of a software in a knowledge database. Then use metasploit to exploit that vulnarabitlity.
- start metasploit with "msfconsole -q"
- search {CVE} → matching exploits (modules) are listet
- "use {number}" to use a exploit
- Now the module is loaded. Type "options" to configure the exploit.
- type "run" to run the exploit. After finished, type "shell" to open a shell on the target machine.
radare2 (for any binary): shows all functions in the binary and their assembly code
- r2 -d ./file1 (open binary in debug mode)
- aa (analyse)
- afl (get list of all functions)
- dpf @main (get assembly code of main function)
- step through the assembly code by using "db" (set breakpoints) and "dc" (run until breakpoint) and "ds" (execute next command)
- inspect variables using "px"
Hint: Reload program using ood
for .NET Applications: use ILSpy (or Dotpeek). These tools show the code of .NET applications.
- ADS: Alternate Data Stream, a file attribute specific to NTFS
- Learn more about ADS here, here and here
- tool to analyse a binary file (.exe): Strings.exe. Strings scans the file you pass it for strings of a default length of 3 or more characters. You can use the Strings tool to peek inside this mysterious executable file. Usage: strings64.exe -accepteula file.exe
- Dump user password hashes with mimikatz
- use command
to get password hashes (NTLM and SHA1 hashes)
- use command
- All events on windows systems are logged. Also PowerShell-Script executions.
- use FullEventLogView to conveniently few all events. (Use Advanced options for specific search.)
- (Alternative: use windows build-in event view)
- samba enumeration with the tool
- CyberChef
- is a 'Cyber Swiss-Army Knife'
- provides numerous functions for all tasks: encoding, decoding, hashing ...
- With the "Magic"-recipe you can analyse any given string to detect useful encoding methods.
- lists:
- (espacially rockyou.txt for passwords)
- Crack (password) hashes online (rainbow tables):
- Crack (password) hashes offline:
- OWASP: Provides a lot of tools, knowledge and other resources regarding cyber security in the web
- OWASP Cheatsheets for everything related to cybersecurity
- 'Hacker' search engines