✨ New Features
- All new Gas Fee UI - Integrated with BlockNative quotes, easy to use for newbies, powerful and convenient for pro players to customize fees
- Add support for editing nonce - On the transaction confirmation page, tap Advance to edit
- Swap - Add support for limit orders
- Add support for BTC public key export
- Add support for modifying BTC transfer network fee
- Add support for unstaking on kelepool
- Settings - Clear Cache
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue that Tron can’t get token balance and add tokens
- Fixed the issue of unsuccessful copying of URLs in explore page favorite and history (Desktop)
- Swap - Fixed the issue that the list of token selector was not sorted in reverse order of token valuation
- Swap - Fixed the issue that the rate was not refreshed
- Fixed the issue that after adding tokens, the chart data and balance could be displayed, but the price was not fetched
- Fixed the issue that the account page may not be response due to gesture conflict
- Fixed the issues related to SUI network
- Fixed the exception of iOS importing private key
- Fixed the exception of XRP transactions
- Fixed the issue that app may crash when editing wallet name (Android)
- Fixed the issue that DOT cannot update addresses
- Fixed some UI issues
💎 Improvements
- Optimized loading time of NFT details
- Improved Swap UI
- Added an alert to prompt user hasn’t enough coin for network fee, and proivde a button to buy gas
- App and hardware wallet limit changed up to 100
✨ 新功能
- 全新 Gas 费用 UI - 集成 BlockNative 报价,对新手简单易用,对专业玩家强大方便自定义费用
- 支持修改交易 Nonce - 在交易确认页的手续费下方 - 点击高级,即可修改
- 闪兑 - 支持限价单
- 支持 BTC 公钥导出
- 支持修改 BTC 转账网络费
- 支持解除质押
- 添加 Conflux 的 espace 链
- 设置 - 清理缓存
🐞 问题修复
- 修复了 Tron 无法获取代币余额、无法添加代币的问题
- 修复了在发现页收藏和历史中复制网址不成功的问题 (桌面端)
- 闪兑 - 修复了选择Token列表中未按照法币估值倒序排序的问题
- 闪兑 - 修复了汇率未刷新的问题
- 修复了在添加代币后,能获取图表数据和余额,但是价格没有获取到的问题
- 修复了账户页面手势冲突导致无法点击的问题 (Samsung)
- 修复了 SUI 网络下的相关问题
- 修复了 iOS 导入私钥异常的问题
- 修复了 XRP 转账异常的问题
- 修复了修改钱包名称的时候 App 可能崩溃的问题
- 修复了 DOT 不能更新地址的问题
- 修复了一些 UI 问题
💎 优化
- 优化 NFT 详情的加载时间
- 改进闪兑 UI
- 增加了一个提醒,提示用户没有足够的主币支付网络费,并提供了一个按钮来购买燃料
- App 和硬件钱包上限改为 100 个
Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.4.0