👋 I’m @OnurOzdemir0.
- A third-person serious, missing object game set in Ozyegin University, developed by my and my lecturer Volkan Mengi. World Water Day exhibition: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7189568899359662081/
- Solo AutoBattler Submission for Epic Mega Jam 2023. https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/Icarus
- Solo game jam project created in under 48 hours for the OzuGameJam1: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/Caylar-Fps-Waiter-Sim (Project is under progress.) Play here --> https://onurozdemir.itch.io/caylar
- Bunch of fun game mechanics: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/Unreal-Engine-Portfolio
- Real-Time Hallway Generation: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/ProceduralHallwayGenerationUE_5.1
- Used AI generated voice of my Lecturer as the Narrator, Simple Contemprorary art project submission for COD316 class: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/Project-of-a-Project
- Basic Ray Tracer, with multithreading. https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/raytracing
- crazy taxi like game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jYq4vzGKno
- a card based horror jam game. https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/Jester
- A dog petting jam game: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/Puppychino | | Play on web: https://ossanozfe.itch.io/puppychino
Game Jams: https://onurozdemir.itch.io/
Blender: https://onurozfe.artstation.com/
- (Python, AWS) Client-Server Audio Message App | Computer Networking | CS447: https://github.com/DurthVadr/RealChat
- (Java) Chess | Software Engineering CS320 https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/CS320-SoftwareEngineering
- (Kotlin) Letterboxd for Games Android App | CS394: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/QuestLog
- (Java -- SpringBoot, SQL) Database Management Systems | CS202: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/Supply-Chain-Database
- (C++) Data Structures and Algorithm | CS201: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/CS-201-Data-Structures-and-Algorithms
- (Java) Offline Mock ChatApp | CS102: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/OfflineChatApp-Java-AWT
- (RISC-V Assembly -- Verilog -- C) Computer Architecture | CS240: https://github.com/OnurOzdemir0/CS240-Computer-Architecture
📫 Reach me at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onur-özdemir-7815b221a