This maintenance release fixes the following critical problems (see also Release Notes):
- 33171: Modeling Algorithms - The compound with the few solids connected through shared faces becomes invalid after same domain faces unification
- 32977: Data Exchange – Can’t read STEP color correctly for the referenced root label
- 33170: Modeling Algorithms - Checking for canonical geometry: plane detection problems
- 33144: Modeling Algorithms - Wrong result of Shape Proximity
- 33187: Modeling Algorithms - Crash in postprocessing of imported shape
- 33173: Modeling Algorithms - BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape causing Standard_OutOfRange exception [Regression]
- 26441: Modeling Algorithms - BRepOffset_MakeOffset affects original shape
- 33179: Modeling Algorithms - Crash in ShapeFix_Shape with the attached object, when healing for fixing SameParameterFlag
- 27122: Data Exchange - Invalid shapes are produced during model translation due to huge face tolerance when importing STEP [Regression]
- 33193: Modeling Algorithms - UnifySameDomain raises SIGSEGV [Regression]
- 32818: Modeling Algorithms - Result of sweep operation is invalid
- 33217: DRAW - Debug tools DrawTrSurf_Set, DrawTrSurf_SetPnt and DrawTrSurf_SetPnt2d cannot be used in some environments
- 33180: Modeling Algorithms - Crash while using Build() on BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections class
- 32934: Modelling Algorithms - BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape returns two solutions instead of one
- 22821: Modeling Algorithms - Crash of BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet related to high value of ChFi3d_Builder::tolesp parameter
- 33156: Modeling Algorithms - Planar face creation problem
- 31865: Mesh - triangulation fails with large deflection values due to unhandled Standard_OutOfRange, BRepMesh_PairOfIndex::Append()
- 33228: Data Exchange, DE Wrapper - Make the document argument of the method Read const handle
- 33230: Data Exchange, DE Wrapper - Update API to find CAD provider
- 33232: Data Exchange, DE_Wrapper - Implement ability to change global session
- 33218: Data Exchange - XCAFPrs_Texture does not allow to use classes inherited from Image_Texture
- 33250: Configuration - Missing Limits header file
- 33235: Configuration - Solving the problem with static building of ExpToCasExe
- 31919: Modeling Algorithms - General Fuse raises exception on attempt to imprint a contour to a shell
- 30781: Modeling Algorithms - Sweep algorithm creates non-planar edges (orig. BOPAlgo_MakerVolume fails to build a solid)
- 33244: Modeling Algorithms - Surface-surface intersection produces the double curves
- 33265: Modeling Algorithms - Boolean operation hangs on the attached shapes
- 33247: Modeling Algorithms - BOP report small edges problem and produce empty result
- 33304: Modeling Data - Floating point signal when converting a B-spline curve to analytical form
- 33305: Coding - BOPTools_PairSelector::Clear() method uses "Clear" instead of "clear" on std::vector
- 33315: Mesh - BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh takes forever to finish (ends up with system memory)
- 33311: Modeling Algorithm - No results of thrusection algorithm
- 33312: Data Exchange - NULL-dereference in StepToTopoDS_TranslateShell::Init()
- 33320: Data Exchange - Reading of a VRML file with a long line fails
- 33307: Data Exchange, Step Import - Crash after reading empty edge loop
- 32570: Visualization, AIS_AnimationObject - define rotation around axis
- 30828: Data Exchange - The commands getting shapes from XCAF document should be available in C++
- 27848: Visualization - Sensitivity of lines is too high
- 33317: Data Exchange, Step Export - Ignoring color attached to the reference shape label
- 30055: Modeling Algorithms - BRepOffset_MakeOffset throws "TopoDS_Vertex hasn't gp_Pnt" in intersection mode
- 30292: Modeling Algorithms - BRepBndLib should avoid using Poly_Polygon3D when called with useTriangulation set to false
- 33263: Modeling Algorithms - BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet doesn't work for current parameters
- 33227: Modeling Algorithm - BOPAlgo_BuilderSolid generates incomplete result
- 33298: Modeling Algorithm - Offset operation gives wrong result
- 33306: Modeling Algorithm - Crash in TrimEdge() method
- 33264: Modeling Algorithms - Result of section operation is incomplete
- 33092: Data Exchange, Documentation - Implementation of DE_Wrapper documentation
- 33340: Modeling Algorithm - Improve memory management performance in the "PaveFiller"
- 33345: Coding - Memory allocation operators got inaccessible
- 33337: DRAW - Can't load plugins on Linux OS
- 33327: Data Exchange, IGES Import - SubfigureDef can't read string
- 33331: Data Exchange, Step Import - Unsupported Representation Items
Note: starting this year we stop supporting VS2013 compiler.
Publication date: April 6, 2023.