See the LICENSE file
See the NOTICE file
- Java 21
- Maven 3
- MySQL 8
- node v14.17.3 (use for example
nvm use
to manage it - latest version of node does not work) - yarn (note that later versions break the sass compiler)
If you use nvm ensure you have the correct npm installed locally in that version
cd ~/.nvm/versions/node/v6.2.2/lib/
npm install npm@5.2.0
Maven 3 is needed to build and run this project.
To build, first setup your local db:
Connect to your local mysql database: mysql -uroot
Execute the following:
CREATE DATABASE teams_ng CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
To run locally:
mvn spring-boot:run",test"
Or run / debug the TeamsApplication and don't forget to set the active profile to dev otherwise the application uses the real VOOT client on the test environment.
cd teams-gui
Initial setup if you do:
yarn install
Add new dependencies to devDependencies
yarn add ${dep} --dev
To build:
To run locally:
yarn local
Browse to the application homepage.
To run the tests, just install both server and client:
mvn clean install
To run only the JS tests:
cd teams-gui
yarn test
If you add dependencies to the teams-gui with yarn you can see the impact on the production bundle:
cd teams-gui
rm -fr dist && yarn webpack-analyze | sed '1,6d' | sed '$d' | webpack-bundle-size-analyzer
The teams application has three API's:
- Internal Teams API on
for the teams GUI - VOOT API on
for the VOOT server app - LifeCycle user management
The first one is secured with shibboleth and CSRF and the second and third one are secured with basic auth. For an example call:
curl -u voot:secret
Teams has a LifeCycle API to deprovision users. The preview endpoint:
curl -u life:secret http://localhost:8080/deprovision/ | jq
And the actual Deprovisioning
of the user:
curl -X DELETE -u life:secret http://localhost:8080/deprovision/ | jq
Teams GUI has functionality to migrate a team to the invite-database. You need to be super-user for this. There is also an endpoint to migrate teams:
curl -u teams:secret -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"id":"35415"}' "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/external/invite-app/migrate"