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Developing with the Social SDK

Lorenzo Boccaccia edited this page Nov 27, 2013 · 4 revisions

Notice for domino/xpages developers

to build the domino part of the sdk prepare and configure first the domino platform as detailed here: Generating a notes platform

To work with the SDK in your own projects

Using maven

you will need:

  • java
  • maven
  • git

To use the SDK clone this repository and build from the command line using

  • mvn install if you need the java part of the SDK
  • mvn install -Dnotes-platform=file:///path-to-platform if you also need the domino/xpages plugins

You will then be able to depend from the artifacts out of your local maven repository and build maven applications in the IDE of your choice.

Using plain java dependencies

Download and unpack the zip released here: SocialSDK Releases

You will then be able to use the war projects and depend on the jar libraries from the IDE of your choice.

To work on the SDK

you will need:

It is better to download the m2e tycho connectors beforehand, to avoid problem with the lifecycle mappings afterward. To do so, you have two options:

  1. if you have installed the eclipse marketplace, you can find the tycho connectors there.
  2. if you don't have the eclipse marketplace, you can use install new software feature with this update site:
  3. as an alternative you can also load the projects and then run a 'quick fix' right clicking on the 'missing tycho lifecycle mapping' error message.

Create your own fork on GitHub

Clone the repository on your local machine Import the projects as maven projects

Refer to the egit manual for a step by step guide:

Known iussues

Missing build path folders

If you get an error about the missing .apt_generated folder go to the offending project and generate the folder.