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An Opulent Voice MSK Modem for the ADALM-Pluto SDR Platform

Keywords: #MSK #SDR #Pluto #Opulent-Voice

This is a Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) modem for Opulent Voice (OPV) targeted to Analog Devices ADALM-Pluto SDR Platform. This repository provides a top-level design to be included in Pluto's AMD Zync Z-7010 SoC. The modem and supporting functions are included from ORI's RTL library, and can be used in any FPGA development as well as non-OPV protocols. This repository can serve as a starting point/guide for targeting the MSK modem to other FPGA based SDR platforms.

The following ORI library components are used as submodules to this repository:

  1. msk_modulator
  2. msk_demodulator
  3. nco
  4. pi_controller
  5. prbs


In oder to build fpga bitstream, you need to install first Vivado. Recommended version is 2022.2. In this documentation vivado installtion path is assumed to be /opt/Xilinx/Vivado. If it is on an other directory, change the path (for example /tools/Xilinx/Vivado on keroppi)

First, clone this repo with all submodules

git clone --recursive

building bitstream only

  1. cd pluto_msk/projects/pluto/
  2. source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.2/
  3. make

For reference, on the chococat VM, the main branch takes:

real	128m34.908s
user	20m41.893s
sys	11m9.086s

If you update the VHDL code or choose another branch and rebuild on chococat VM, the new branch takes:

Cleaning msk_top library ...
Building msk_top library [/home/abraxas3d/documentation-friday3/pluto_msk/library/msk_top_ip.log] ... OK
Building pluto project [/home/abraxas3d/documentation-friday3/pluto_msk/projects/pluto/pluto_vivado.log] ... OK

real	54m40.380s
user	13m58.697s
sys	5m10.603s

Same process on I7_9700 (not vm)

Cleaning msk_top library ...
Building msk_top library [/home/hp-z2-dev/prog/ori-opulent/plutosdr-fw/pluto_msk/library/msk_top_ip.log] ... OK
Building pluto project [/home/hp-z2-dev/prog/ori-opulent/plutosdr-fw/pluto_msk/projects/pluto/pluto_vivado.log] ... OK

real	6m6,197s
user	5m58,976s
sys	0m17,079s

If you update the firmware and rebuild on chococat VM, the new build takes:

real	111m34.245s
user	12m18.919s
sys	9m16.466s

complete firmware

  1. Check if your vivado path is correct on this line
    VIVADO_SETTINGS ?= /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/$(VIVADO_VERSION)/
  2. cd pluto_msk/firmware
  3. make

For reference, on the chococat VM, this takes:

real	370m53.093s
user	77m38.923s
sys	39m46.236s

MSK Modem Architecture

Control and Status Registers

The control and status registers (CSR) are organized as an array. Base address is currently 0x43c00000.

Hex Offset Bit Position Directionality Location Within the VHDL Array Name Summary
0x0000 0:31 output csr_array(0) HASH_ID set to 0xaaaa5555 in the hardware
0x0004 0 input csr_array(1)(0) init initializes or is part of initialization for many blocks
0x0008 0 input csr_array(2)(0) ptt push to talk
0x000c 0 input csr_array(3)(0) loopback_ena loopback enable
0x000c 31 input csr_array(3)(31) rx_invert rx_bit_corr takes the value of rx_bit when rx_invert is 0 and rx_bit_corr takes the value of NOT rx_bit when rx_invert is 1
0x0010 0:31 input csr_array(4) freq_word_ft value of the frequency for symbol time (0x39d037) (mapped to freq_word_tclk) and generated as hex(int(bitrate/sample_rate *2.0**32)
0x0014 0:31 input csr_array(5) freq_word_f1 value of the frequency for the higher MSK tone (0x44a740e) and generated as hex(int((bitrate*20)-bitrate)/sample_rate *2.0**32)
0x0018 0:31 input csr_array(6) freq_word_f2 value of the frequency for the lower MSK tone (0x4be147b) hex(int((bitrate*20)+bitrate)/sample_rate *2.0**32)
0x001c 0:15 csr_array(7)(15:0) lpf_i_gain low pass filter gain value
0x001c 16:31 csr_array(7)(31:16) lpf_p_gain low pass filter gain value
0x0020 0 csr_array(8)(0) lpf_freeze low pass filter value
0x0020 1 csr_array(8)(1) lpf_zero low pass filter value
0x0020 16:31 csr_array(8)(31:16) lpf_alpha low pass filter value
0x0024 0:7 input csr_array(9)(7:0) tx_data_w sets bit width in transmitter parallel to serial circuit
0x0028 0:7 input csr_array(10)(7:0) rx_data_w sets bit width in receiver serial to parallel circuit
0x002c 0 input csr_array(11)(0) prbs_sel pseudo random bit sequence select
0x002c 1 csr_array(11)(1) prbs_err_insert pseudo random bit sequence error insert (?)
0x0030 0:31 input csr_array(12) prbs_poly pseudo random bit sequence polynomial
0x0034 0:31 input csr_array(13) prbs_initial pseudo random bit sequence initial value
0x0038 0:31 csr_array(14) prbs_err_mask pseudo random bit sequence error mask
0x003c 0 csr_array(15)(0) prbs_clear pseudo random bit sequence clear
0x003c 1 csr_array(15)(1) prbs_sync pseudo random bit sequence sync

Development Quickstart

Here is a set of instructions for getting this minimum shift keying (MSK) transceiver implementation to work on a PLUTO SDR.

Clone this pluto_msk repository.

git clone --recursive

The repository should clone to the latest stable PLUTO firmware release commit. Here is an example of how to change to another branch of the hdl reference design. hdl_2022_r2 was used for VHDL development. Don't change branches of hdl unless you have to.

/pluto_msk/hdl$ git checkout hdl_2022_r2 
Previous HEAD position was 1978df298 axi_dac_interpolate: Improve the ctrl logic
branch 'hdl_2022_r2' set up to track 'origin/hdl_2022_r2'.
Switched to a new branch 'hdl_2022_r2'

If you are working on ORI virtual machine, then source the version of Vivado needed as follows.

$ source /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.2/

You can check which version of Vivado is currently being used as follows.

$ which vivado

Change directories to the PLUTO project directory and run make.

/hdl/projects/pluto$ make

A useful log file for information, warnings, and errors is pluto_vivado.log

This repository is organized as an out of tree module.

Key lines in system_bd.tcl are:

set_property ip_repo_paths [list $ad_hdl_dir/library ../../library]  [current_fileset]

The ip_repo_paths property lets us create a custom IP catalog for use with Vivado. It defines the path to one or more directories containing user-defined intellectual property (IP), like our blocks. The specified directories, and any sub-directories, are searched for files to add to the Vivado IP catalog. The property is assigned to the current fileset of the current project.

ip_repo_paths will look for a .xml file, where is the name of the IP to add to the catalog. This XML file lists the files that define the module. Subdirectories are searched through. We don't have to list out each individual module's .xml.

Where does our component.xml file come from? It's create by the msk_top_ip.tcl file. A version can be found here:

Setting the ip_repo_paths property needs to be followed by update_ip_catalog.

Example syntax:

set_property IP_REPO_PATHS {c:/Data/Designs C:/myIP} [current_fileset]



ADI add custom IP