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MacOS X build and dmg guide

Carlos edited this page Jun 1, 2020 · 11 revisions

MacOS X Build Guide

Currently working on macOS 10.13+ and scap-workbench v1-2.

This guide describes guidelines how to create the .dmg image of released SCAP Workbench for modern MacOS X versions.

Main prerequisites

Get build dependencies

You need the Xcode developer binaries which will bring build utilities with it. To install:

$ xcode-select --install

There are several ways to get Qt5, pcre and other libraries required to build the app. I recommend using Homebrew - - it's messy but quick and simple. To install Homebrew:

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

To install the current list of dependencies used to build the app:

$ brew install jq qt5 asciidoc pkg-config doxygen opendbx popt swig cmake wget libgcrypt upx node

If you already have those installed run brew update || brew upgrade <package> to get the latest versions.

Once QT5 is installed - make sure to update your PATH to include it:

$ export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt/bin:$PATH"

Install appdmg - - for creating our resultant DMG image. This used to be done by using AppleScript, but due to security features that were added in macOS 10.14+ (mojave), this was no longer an option. Appdmg provides a much simpler mechanism for creating the DMG.

$ npm install -g appdmg

npm is provided by the node package installed above.

1. Install OpenSCAP from master

In this step we will install OpenSCAP. Currently we have to use master branch to have OSX support. Master branch could be sometimes broken, maybe you need to fix it. Make sure you merge all the branches up to get all the latest fixes!

$ git clone --depth 1 -b master
$ pushd openscap/build
$ make -j 4
$ make install
$ popd

2. Compile SCAP Workbench

Now we will build latest SCAP Workbench. This step requires OpenSCAP to have been successfully installed.


3. Get latest SSG

SSG is part of SCAP Workbench .dmg package. We will unpack it and move to the Workbench build directory.

Grab the latest SSG:

$ REL_TAG=`curl -s "" | grep -o 'tag/[v.0-9]*' | awk -F/ '{print $2}'`
$ REL_TAG_NUM=`echo ${REL_TAG} | cut -d"v" -f2`
$ DWN_LINK=${REL_TAG}/scap-security-guide-${REL_TAG_NUM}.zip
$ if [ -z "${DWN_LINK}" ]; then echo 'Could not get the ZIP URL! It is empty!'; exit 1; fi
$ wget "${DWN_LINK}" -O

Move the SSG's:

$ mkdir -p `pwd`/build-osx/ && unzip && cp -a scap-security-guide-*/* `pwd`/build-osx/

4. Create the DMG Image

Now we need to create the custom SCAP Workbench DMG to include our background and icons.

$ cd build-osx && bash

5. Check files

Mount the image and try running SCAP Workbench with and without installing it into Applications. When mounted, there should appear some instruction to install the scap-workbench.

NOTE: On macOS 10.14+ (Mojave+), you may get an untrusted message from Apple when launching for the first time:
_“scap-workbench” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified._
Select Cancel -> Open System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General. Select Open Anyways to launch the app.

Release Information (for maintainers)

  1. (Optional) Upload the .dmg image to github release

This is optional because this part has been automated in our CI pipeline. Manually do this in the event you needed to create a new image to overwrite an existing released image.

  1. IMPORTANT Change the download link

Go to Look for /tools/scap-workbench/download-osx and make sure it points to the uploaded DMG.