Load both Pelias, and also Transit landmarks (GTFS, intersections from OSM, landmarks from .csv files, etc...)
- pre-reqs: have docker and docker-compose installed on your system, plus plenty of disk and memory
- export DATA_DIR=$PWD/data
- mkdir $DATA_DIR
- git clone --recursive https://github.com/OpenTransitTools/pelias.dockerfiles.git
- cd pelias.dockerfiles
- ./build.sh
- curl http://localhost:4000/v1/search?text=888%20SE%20Lambert%20St # should see "match_type": "interpolated" somewhere in there (that's good)
- curl http://localhost:4000/v1/search?text=stop%202 # should see "match_type": a bunch of records that are stop locations
- curl http://localhost:9200/pelias/_search?pretty=true&q=layer:intersections
- Call ES directly: http://localhost:9200/pelias/_search?pretty=true&q=layer:stops
- More ES: http://localhost:9200/pelias/_search?pretty=true&q=*
- cd pelias.dockerfiles
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- git pull
- ./nuke_containers.sh # use with caution, will drop most / all of your non-Pelias Docker env
- ./build.sh
- pelias.transit.loader docker image on Docker Hub
- pelias.transit.loader code on GitHub
- TriMet's Staging Server Instance: https://ws-st.trimet.org/pelias/v1/search?api_key=YourTriMetApiKey&text=stops%202