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Mario Behling edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

In this Wiki we collect lightning talks for the OpenTechSummit Sri Lanka 2020. Please add your proposal for a lightning talk here.

Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any conference participant may give! Please simply add your proposal on this wiki page here. There is review to ensure the lightning talks are technical and rules are kept. See more detailed instructions below.


Lightning Talks - Monday, January 6, 2020

Time Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
13:30 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
13:35 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
13:40 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
13:45 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
13:50 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
13:55 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
14:00 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
14:05 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
14:10 Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides

14:15 End of lightning Talks

Wait List

In previous editions of of the event some people were not able to give their talk. Therefore stay tuned if you are on the wait list and be there to jump in if a slot becomes available.

Time Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
Time Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
Time Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides
Time Title Speaker Description Tags Links Slides


Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, software, hardware, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to join you! Whatever you bring, make it quick!

Sign up for a Lightning Talk

To submit your own Lightning Talk, there are several steps necessary:

  1. Sign up as a user of this wiki ("Create account" link on the top right of the page)
  2. Fill in details here that describes your Lightning Talk
  3. Upload your slides somewhere and place a link to the slides into the lightning talks table. If you don't put your slides here then they won't be displayed, you'll just have an identification slide on the day.
  4. One week before the event: Ensure the details are correct and the pdf is working
  5. You need to be there 20 minutes before your talk!


Please have a look at the session schedule of the lightning talk slots. The lightning talks have a slot of 5 minutes including setup (but note that you won't be able to connect your laptop to the projector). We have assigned one hour slot according to the people who indicated their interest to the team to give a lightning slot. First come, first serve.

Some more rules:

  • Technical talks are preferred (no sales pitches)
  • Only one lightning talk per person/project/group per day
  • PDF slides only
  • Final time slot assignment only if we receive your slides. Please add slides at least one week before the event. Preliminary slides are okay, you can update your slides until 10:00 am on the day before the talk.

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