Script to convert gds library to lef cells definition
Need to have klayout installed
klayout -zz -rd gds_path="LIB.GDS" -rd out_file="LIB.lef" -rm ./
At the top of file you will find where to define the layers the script will look for pins/obstructions. You can also specify cells to be ignored.
###### CONSTANTS ######
"metal1": (1,0),
"metal2": (3,0),
"metal3": (7,0),
"via" : (6,0)
ignore_cells = ["via"]
The script assumes all rectangle, polygon and path are obstruccions unless they have text label on it. If so, they will be treated as PIN .
It also assumes cells are adjusted to origin by its lower left bounding box
MACRO SIMMETRY, SITE, PINS DIRECTION AND PINS USE are constant strings set inside print functions. You may need to change those strings or edit the lef file later.
print("\tCLASS CORE ;", file=file)
print("\tSYMMETRY X Y ;", file=file)
print("\tSITE std_cell ;", file=file)
It can only handle boxes polygons & paths.
Add config file for string values to be printed instead of being hardcoded
Error Handling