- Aavegotchi diamond: 0x16a2BA2F8d91f0D5e3B9dBAd7E716DaA428fBA85
- Old Aavegotchi diamond: 0x243D0E444BCaE6BD0645b6Bf4960cc6a925167E0
- Old Aavegotchi diamond: 0x10225cc1ea2435E53E7661E84D36Fb4E9e20a9DB
- GHST diamond: 0xeDaA788Ee96a0749a2De48738f5dF0AA88E99ab5
The ABI files for the diamonds are in the artifacts directory:
- IAavegotchiDiamond.json
- IGHSTDiamond.json
To easily see what functions these ABI files provide check the corresponding files in the contracts/interfaces directory:
- IAavegotchiDiamond.sol
- IGHSTDiamond.sol
Using a diamond ABI should look something like this:
let aavegotchiDiamond = new web3.eth.Contract(
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js