Fast tilemap rendering with PIXI.js V5. Compatible with module bundlers.
This plugin uploads all tiles indices of a layer in a single geometry therefore making only 1 draw call per layer. It also supports linear-time tiles animations.
This plugin only works for PIXI v5+.
Using this plugin is pretty simple :
import { TilemapRenderer, Tilemap, Tileset, Vector2 } from "pixi-tilemap-plugin";
// Add the plugin
Renderer.registerPlugin("tilemap", TilemapRenderer);
// ...
// Creates a tileset from a texture specifying tile size
// Texture must be loaded for this to properly work
const tileset = new Tileset(texture, { tileSize: 16 });
// Add each layer to the stage using their array of tiles indices
stage.addChild(new Tilemap(tileset, new Vector2(4, 4), [
7, 8, 8, 9,
4, 0, 0, 4,
4, 0, 0, 4,
1, 0, 2, 3,
The layer indices array layout follows Tiled's CSV format which is pretty common for storing tilemaps data.
See full working demo in demo/
This plugin is build for performance, as a result it comes with limits :
- Currently you can use one texture per layer (see improvements)
- Tilemaps can't have children
- Individual tile transforms (e.g. rotation) are not supported
- Filters are not supported (although you can use a parent container)
There's no timeline but I'll eventualy add the following features to this plugin :
- Non square tiles (this is already implemented at shader level)
- Composite layers (single geometry for multiple layers)
- Multiple textures for a single layer
- Isometric support ?
You may look at pixi-tilemap for pixi v4 that supports textures atlases & other stuff compared to this library.