A complete stand-alone simulator of the P2PSP (Peer-to-Peer Straightforward Protocol) using processes and message passing.
- Run a team using the default parameters:
# inside of the <src> folder, run:
python3 simulator.py run > /tmp/1
- Controlling the number of peers that will join the team:
python3 simulator.py run --number_of_peers 20
- Defining the number of rounds to simulate:
python3 simulator.py run --number_of_rounds 50
- Seting the maximum number of lost chunks at peers:
python3 simulator.py run --max_chunk_loss 50
- Defining the number of monitors:
python3 simulator.py run --number_of_monitors 2
- Showing the average CLR:
python3 simulator.py run --set_of_rules DBS --number_of_peers 3 --buffer_size 6 --number_of_rounds 100 --max_chunk_loss 1000 --min_activity -100 | grep CLR | awk '{match($0,/CLR=[0-9.]+/);A=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH);sub(/.*=/,X,A);print A}' | python ../experiments/average.py
- Using IP multicast instead IP unicast:
python3 simulator.py run --set_of_rules IMS
- Setting the logging level (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG):
python3 simulator.py run --loglevel INFO
- Showing the buffer of the peer #3 (peers are enumerated sequentially using 3 digits):
python3 simulator.py run 2> /dev/null | grep "buffer=" | grep "'003'"
- Showing the neighborhood degree of peer #3 for optimization_horizon=5:
python3 simulator.py run --loglevel DEBUG --optimization_horizon 5 | grep "fan-out" | grep "'003'"
- Showing the latency (in seconds) of the monitor peer:
python3 simulator.py run --loglevel=INFO | grep "'000'" | grep latency | awk '{print $NF}'
- Showing latency's statistics for all peers:
python3 simulator.py run --loglevel=INFO | grep latency | awk '{print $NF}' | gnuplot -e "stats '-'"
splitter_*: splitter's implementation.
peer_*: peer's implementation.
monitor_*: monitor's implementation.
*_DBS: *'s side of DBS.
*_IMS: modification of DBS to implement IMS.
*_FCS: modification of DBS to implement FCS.
- *_simulator: specific simulator behaviour.
- *_video: specific streaming behaviour.
- Drawing the simulation
python3 play.py draw --drawing-log FILENAME
Note: If you want to draw in simulation time, you can add --gui
option as a flag in the run command.
python play.py draw --drawing-log output_file
- Ploting team and buffer results Change to dir and use the script_
cd ../tools
./plot.sh ../src/DRAWING_LOG_FILENAME
$ sudo apt install python3-tk
$ sudo apt-get install gnuplot
$ pip3 install fire
$ pip3 install matplotlib==2.0.0
$ pip3 install networkx
sudo pacman -S python-pmw
First, go to src dir:
$ cd src
$ python3 -u simulator.py run [options]
--set_of_rules SET_OF_RULES (currently available: dbs, cis and cis-sss)
--number-of-monitors NUMBER_OF_MONITORS
--number-of-peers NUMBER_OF_PEERS
--number-of-malicious NUMBER_OF_MALICIOUS (optional)
--number-of-rounds NUMBER_OF_ROUNDS
--drawing-log FILENAME
[--gui] (optional)
- First line -> experiment configuration:
- Nodes ->
. Example:O;Node;IN;M1
- Round ->
- Team Status ->
- Buffer Status (following lines are related)
- Buffer ->
B;[NodeID];[C][L][...]. C-> Chunk, L -> Gap
- Sender ->
- Buffer ->
- Chunk Loss Ratio ->
It shows how the network overlay evolves during the simulation.
Nodes represent the following entities:
- green: monitor/trusted peer (M/TPs)
- blue: regular peer (WIPs)
- red: malicious peer (MPs)
Edges represent the existence of communication (or not) among the nodes:
It shows the number of each type of peer into the team (same colors as used in Network Overlay).
Buffer status for each peer. Each point in the chart represents a chunk in the buffer of a peer: