A Space for all your Files --- You can Add, Read, Update, Delete as well Download the file from this
Add .env file in root Directory and write
Currently Live in YourSpace-Heroku
File system CRUD API : In this problem, you have to make an apis to upload, read, update and delete files.
- Upload a file
- Get list of all the files
- Download a file
- Update a file
- Delete a file
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- Body-Parser
- Dot env
- Express
- Loadash
- Mongoose
- Multer
- Clone the Repo locally
- run npm install command to install all the modules required for this Project
- create .env file with your own database URI with key MONGOD_URL and Value your Mongoose connection link
Base URL https://its-your-space.herokuapp.com/
It is post route that take multiple values The user can upload the files from this route by clicking on Upload button from the home page It will have three required column asking for title for the file name then a quick description about the file and the file itself On clicking Pubish Button it will redirect to Home Page and show the list of Uploads
title: req.body.postTitle,
content: req.body.blog,
file: req.file.filename,
This route shows a particular post (here file description) It will show data on the basis of id of the file { _id: requestedPostId } On the basis of id it will render the other details of the file
res.render("post", {
title: post.title,
content: post.content,
postId: post._id,
file: post.file,
First it will get all the value as per id and put the value on the compose like edit form where you can update the data which will replace the older one.
This route will redirect to the home page and now boom your file has been updated.
$set: {
title: req.body.title,
content: req.body.content,
file: req.file.filename,
This post route will perform delete action with the id value and uses mongo feature of deleteOne
{ _id: req.params.postId }