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Releases: PGelss/scikit_tt

Scikit-TT v1.2

08 Dec 13:20
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updates in module

  • diag: construct diagonal TT operators
  • squeeze: contract cores with mode dimensions 1
  • tensordot: index contractions of tensor trains
  • canonical: tensor products of the canonical basis
  • residual_error: error of systems of linear equations
  • improved stability of ortho
  • TT class now support complex tensor trains
  • updates in module

    • hod: higher-order differencing for quantum mechanics
    • lie_splitting, strang_splitting, yoshida_splitting, kahan_li_splitting: splitting schemes for ODEs with SLIM operators
  • updates in module

    • als now uses an integrated Wielandt deflation for eigenvalue shifting
    • stop iterations if convergence is detected
  • new module

    • methods for simulating quantum circuits in TT format
  • updates in module

    • exciton_chain: chain of coupled excitons
    • iqft: inverse quantum Fourier transform
    • qfa: quantum full adder
    • qfan: quantum full adder network
    • qft: quantum Fourier transform
    • shor: oracle of Shor's algorithm
    • simon: final quantum state after applying a Simon's circuit
  • new module

    • methods for approximating infinitesimal Koopman generators
  • updates in module

    • changed basis functions to classes
    • added Legendre
  • updates in module

    • truncated_svd: compute truncated SVD using relative/absolute threshold
  • added new examples:

    • ala10_rank_test, ala10_tgedmd
    • lemon_slice_reversibel, lemon_slice_reweighting
    • qfa, qfan, qft, shor, simon
  • added unit tests

  • fixed docstrings

  • use Github actions for automatic building and testing

  • minor changes and bug fixes

Scikit-TT v1.1

25 Nov 12:47
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  • new functions in module tensor_train:
    • svd: compute global SVDs of tensor trains
    • conj: complex conjugate of a tensor train
    • TT class can now handle segments of tensor trains
  • new function in module ode:
    • sod: second-order differencing for linear differential equations
  • added module data_driven.transform:
    • methods for the construction of transformed data tensors in TT format
    • different basis functions
    • coordinate-major, function-major, and general basis decomposition
    • hocur: higher-order CUR decomposition
    • gram: compute Gram matrix of two transformed data tensors
  • added module data_driven.tedmd:
    • AMUSEt algorithm using HOSVD and HOCUR
  • added module data_driven.regression:
    • methods for solving regression problems in TT format
    • ARR, MANDy using coordinate-major and function-major approach, kernel-based MANDy
  • added examples:
    • ala10: apply tEDMD to time series data of deca-alanine
    • mnist: tensor-based image classification of theMNIST and FMNIST data set
    • ntl9: apply tEDMD to time series data of NTL9
    • toll_station: compute distribution of cars at a toll station
  • minor changes and bug fixes

scikit-tt v1.0.1

01 Mar 21:48
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  • added module data_driven
    • added tDMD
    • renamed perron_frobenius to ulam
  • new models
    • toll station
    • fractals
  • new methods in solvers.evp
    • ALS can now be applied to generalized eigenvalue problems
    • added power method
  • Python 2 compatibility
  • removed Matplotlib dependency
  • sync with Travis CI and Codecov
  • minor changes in some examples

First release

25 Dec 22:42
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First version of scikit_tt