This is a project that implements the different aspects of board game Reversi, including one basic board to display current game and an I/O using pair of numbers as location and +-1 as color.
This game also includes several artificial intellegence methods to play with, including the one based on memory-intenside iteration min-max search tree, the recursion version of min-max search tree and the one using a simple alpha-beta search tree.Besides that is the approach using neural network as a "value" judging system and MTCR search tree.
It is still INPROGRESS! I am relative new on Python, so the code is a bit ugly(ik) but I will be fixing that.
The current playable part is the file. It enables a match between users and users or computers. files are for testing including multi-threading, so they are not a playable part.
The main file is, most part of the AI is implemented there.