- Fork this repository in to your account you want hack to work on.
- Download/Clone the forked repo to your computer.
- Copy the files from the folder into your desired repository.
- Initialize the Repo:
npm init
- Fill the fields asked by npm init.
- Install the requirements (Mentioned below).
- Finally run:
node index.js
- This fills the Repo with empty commits till the current date. Since no pattern file is provided it will fill randomly.
- You can also adjust the number of commits you want to push by changing the number in 'makeCommit' function in the last line of index.js file.
- Your pattern file is like a grid with dimensions of 7*X. (7 rows and X>0 columns)
- Each cell in the grid represents number of commits to be made on a day.
npm i jsonfile
npm i simple-git