This instruction guide is for setting up a Podman image to run a Rocky 9 Linux Distro. Based on this image, the running container would be used to set up Yocto and build a Xilinx-embedded Linux Kernel.
To create the image on your host Linux machine, clone this repository:
$ cd /scratch/<FedID>/
$ git clone
$ Run podman to create the image:
$ podman build --file <path_to_Dockerfile>/Dockerfile --tag rocky9-yocto-container:latest
If successful, you should see the freshly baked image's name with the command:
$ podman image ls
Finally, disable the SELinux security context check for host folders mounted on the container with this command:
$ sed -i ~/.config/containers/containers.conf -e '/label=false/d' -e '/^\[containers\]$/a label=false'
Startup a container based on the image listed using the following command:
$ podman --storage-opt overlay.mount_program=/usr/bin/fuse-overlayfs --storage-opt \
overlay.mountopt=nodev,metacopy=on,noxattrs=1 run -v /scratch/tmp:/scratch/tmp -v /dev/:/dev \
-i -t localhost/rocky9-yocto-dev-container:latest /bin/bash
To learn more about podman command options and usage:
$ podman --help
Or go to the official website:
import foobar
# returns 'words'
# returns 'geese'
# returns 'phenomenon'
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