The Newser mobile application was built to allow newsers (Newser's users) to connect through an application and quickly look at the top daily news through a bumped native browser. The application is cross-platform thanks to Expo/React-Native development, thus it's available on IOS, Android and even Web.
Developed using my own RESTful API Node.js Server, NewserServer.
Running on your own phone through QR Code.
You will need to have installed:
Before launching the application, please refer to the README of the API Server mentionned previously and be sure the API Server is started.
Rename the .env.example to .env.development file and fill in your API_KEY of NewsAPI and the IP:PORT of the Node API Server.
Then following those requirements you will need to clone the repository and install dependencies:
$ git clone
$ cd Newser
$ npm install
$ npm start
The application will launch with expo and a web browser will open with a console view and a QR code (same will happen in your terminal).
You will just need to scan the QR Code (ensure that you are on the same network than your computer).
The project includes the use of several technical features and methods;
- React-Native Async Storage
- React-Native Navigation
- Expo
- Fetchival
- Lodash (_)
- Lottie
- NewsAPI
- React-Native DropDown Picker
- React-Native Elements
- React-Native Keyboard Aware ScrollView
- React-Native Swiper
- React-Native Vector Icons
- Redux
- Babel.js
Several features have been implemented in this application.
- CivilityDropDown
- Inputs
- Submit
- Home
- Login
- Register
- Splash
- Persist
- RouteHistory
- Session
- Stack Navigator
When launching the application, the login screen is displayed right after the Splash Screen on loading of the fonts used in the application. You can connect and access to your daily news. If you do not have account, you can register and create an account.
There is the register screen, you could create your account in.
Now, we can access the home screen of the application.
We can see the top headlines navigating through a swiper and looking further by tapping on a news which suggest our interest.
By tapping on a news a native web browser bump over the application.
We could improve the API Server by adding /post/ route to improve the mobile app. Thus, we could react to a news inside the application
We could improve the design and add new functionnalites since the architecture is quite maintenable.