This is a port of my CHIP8 implementation in C++17 for ESP32 microcontroller.
I have written a detailed article about this project in my blog. The article can be found here.
- ESP-IDF > 4.0 installed
- CMake
- Ninja
Download the github repository as follows:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
After downloading this repository from github, go to the project root and execute the following command:
~/ESP32-CHIP8$ --ccache build
ESP32 | ILI9341 display |
D13 | MOSI |
D12 | MISO |
D14 | CLK |
D15 | CS |
D2 | DC |
D25 | TCS |
D4 | RST |
D19 | BCKL |
If you don't like the pinout chosen, you can modify them using menuconfig under TFT display.
After connecting the ESP32 to the TFT display as per connection layout, you can flash and monitor the ESP32 by executing the following:
~/ESP32-CHIP8$ --ccache -p <your-port-name> -DFLASH_SPIFFS=1 flash monitor
NOTE: -DFLASH_SPIFFS needs to be enabled when you flash the ESP32 for the first time. This flag copies the CHIP8 ROM.