The dataset is the 2015 Yellow Taxi Trip Data. It includes trip records from all trips completed in yellow taxis from in NYC from January to June in 2015. Due to limited resources, we used only a 2 GB subset of the dataset. This subset contains 13m trip records and are available here. In this file, two comma-delimited text files (.csv) are available. The first contains all the necessary information about a route and the second contains information about the taxi vendors.
The scope of the project is to find the coordinates of the top 5 pickup locations. In order to achieve this, we implemented the K-means with k=5, that clusters the pickup locations in five regions.
- numpy
- simplekml
We assume that Spark and HDFS are already installed in our system.
- Upload data in hdfs
hadoop fs -put ./yellow_tripdata_1m.csv hdfs://master:9000/yellow_tripdata_1m.csv
- Install necessary requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Submit the job in a Spark environment
- Get the results from the hdfs and print them
hadoop fs -getmerge hdfs://master:9000/kmeans.res ./kmeans.res
cat kmeans.res
[-74.33685886 40.71401562]
[-73.84222159 40.71854692]
[-73.99625567 40.71627292]
[-73.99097947 40.74444285]
[-73.96875398 40.77099479]
- Convert them in kml form
Runs the kmeans algorithm using Spark Map Reduce
Creates a kml file from the output.kmeans.res:
Coordinates of the final
Report of the project in Greekdescription.pdf:
Project description in Greek