This endpoint will be used to create a raw transaction that spends from a P2PKH address and that supports paying to mulitple addresses (either P2PKH or P2SH). The endpoint should return a transaction that spends from the source address and that pays to the output addresses. An extra output for change should be included in the resulting transaction if the change is > 5430 SAT.
- Path:
- Method:
- Request Body:
source_address (string): The address to spend from
outputs (dictionary): A dictionary that maps addresses to amounts (in SAT)
fee_kb (int): The fee per kb in SAT
- Response Body:
raw (string): The unsigned raw transaction
inputs (array of dicts): The inputs used
txid (string): The transaction id
vout (int): The output number
script_pub_key (string): The script pub key
amount (int): The amount in SAT
- Example:
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:5000/payment_transactions \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"source_address": "3E1WB5Y7jxDPT428A3Si6g94L9j7Rt2vt4",
"outputs": {
"1HCuHELi5PX8mnLTSkPv27T48K4ig4CJUP": 9999
"fee_kb": 2500
- Install packages and run:
make start
make install-packages
make run
- Run:
make docker
make docker-build
make docker-run
- Stop:
make docker-stop
- Install test packages:
make install-test-packages
- Run tests:
make test
make help