This is a middleware repository that eases up the work with BGFX, GLFW, IMGUI and GLM. It is more or less inspired by other repositories like bigg or bigger. The general idea is to have a setup that is easy to work with and is easy to have cross-platform. This project is based on CMake since this is my favourite and is also the most popular project management tool and you can easily include it in your own project as a subdirectory or using fetch content.
⚠ WarningThis library is still largely under development and the interface might change drastically until version "v0.2.x" where I will start to stabilize the functions and not make immediate breaking changes.
You can check the intro article on my blog but in general to use this in your cmake project you could clone it to a subdirectory or use fetch content:
GIT_TAG "v0.0.9"
# ...
add_executable(Main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Main PUBLIC BIG2)
This project depends on a few other projects:
- Microsoft.GSL
- bgfx.cmake
- glfw3
- glm
- spdlog
- Dear ImGui (optional)