Hi! This is a website of an imaginary situation -- Michael Jacksom , a King of Pop, a revolutioner in style, dance and music didn't die! It was fake death for him to live a normal life for a while. Imagine that he was just tired of all that fame.
On this website you can find:
- Real interview with Micahel Jackson, who talked to me(FAKE)
- Link to our video-version of this interview (omegalol :3):joy:
- Button in the right bottom corner that makes random Michael Jackson sounds like "He-heee" or "shamone"
- Timeline of MJ. Scroll the bar and check every year.
- Block with his best songs, hover on a block and listen to best parts of hits such as "Billie Jean", "Smooth Criminal", "Dangerous", "Rock with you", "Slave to the Rhythm", "Remember the Time"
Call @Paul_1408 in telegram if something goes wrong please. It is opensource project - make your pull requests!