Creating a tool to get data for job application.
Project is straightforward. Pull data from popular job websites (mainly in singapore) and then apply analytics. Dynamic websites are harder to collect data and thus I have seek to extract data from dynamic websites. More to come.
p.s. excel is used now due to habit, will move to mysql or whatever sql (the syntax are mostly the same) in the future
take note that it's normal for it to be loading on choices page
conda create -n envname python=3.7
conda activate envname
cd app/path_of_requirement.txt/
pip install - r requirements.txt
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords
in cli
cd ../app
for windows:
set FLASK_ENV=development (so you can debug)
set FLASK_ENV=production (run as is)
flask run
on browser enter the ip, to access the webapp
for linux: use export instead of set.
do also remember to downlowd a linux version of chromedriver, chromedriver attached is for windows only
available website: mycareersfuture(sg), linkedin
upcoming updates: indeed