Little command line tool with GUI to build a plot out of exported .csv file(s) from OpenHantek.
Made with PySimpleGUI
Start the GUI with python
Entering a file path will display the resulting plot and there is a option to save the plot.
Entering a folder path will convert all files found and you will be asked for a path to save the plots.
python data/test.csv
--> will store the .svg plot in the same folder -
python data/test.csv -d True
--> will display the plot in a window -
python data/test.csv -s plots
--> will store the .svg plot in the plots/ folder -
python data -s plots
--> will convert all .csv files in data/ in .svg images and store them in plots/ -
positional arguments:
FILE path to a .csv file or folder containing .csv files from OpenHantek
optional arguments:
-h, --help --> show this help message and exit
-d DISPLAY, --display DISPLAY --> True displays the plot(s) in a window
-s SAVE, --save SAVE --> specify a path to save the plot(s)