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Pedro Ruiz Hidalgo edited this page Nov 22, 2021 · 3 revisions

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Pdf functions

You have getters to

  • Logo
  • Orientation
  • Size
  • Rotation
  • Units
  • Head title
  • Head subtitle

render function

It have two optional params:

  • Dest,means (destination)
  • name, the result file's name.

Dest, indicates what to do wiht the final document, it possible values are:

  • 'I': send the file inline to the browser. The PDF viewer is used if available.
  • 'D': send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by name.
  • 'F': save to a local file with the name given by name (may include a path).
  • 'S': return the document as a string.


Format is added from the config file:

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Format
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype boolean
|  TRUE means UTF8.false means ISO-8959-1
$config['format'] = FALSE;

and as you can see, TRUE, will be converted in UTF8 format, and FALSE in ISO-8959-1 format.

Config file

Placed in application/third_party/fpdf/config/pdf.php you can change any of this configuration, but be sure their behavior and prototypes. Any configuration off this optional values may cause malfunctions and demages. The config file is:

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Name:  pdf.config
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Pedro Ruiz Hidalgo
*         @pedroruizhidalg
* Location: application/third_party/fpdf/config/pdf.php
* Created:  2018-02-27
* Description:  This enables initial preferences for pdf library
* Requirements: PHP5 or above

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Orientation
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
|  'P' as "portrait", 'L' as "landscape"
$config['orientation'] = 'P';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Size
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
|    A3
|    A4
|    A5
|    Letter
|    Legal
|   Or array, in units enabled by user, with no standarised size: array(with,hight)
$config['size'] = 'A4';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Rotation
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
|  Integer multiple of 90 degrees: 0,90,180,270
$config['rotation'] = '0';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Units
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
|   'mm' means milimetres
|   'pt' means points
|   'cm' means centimetre
|   'in' means inches
$config['units'] = 'mm';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  convert logo as base_url() address
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype:
| Behavior:
|   If false, logo addres will be passed as you declare
|   else, will be wrapped in base_url() function.
$config['url_wrapper'] = FALSE;

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Logo
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Logo url
| the address of the logo will be subsequently converted to an absolute address
$config['logo'] = 'assets/img/logo.jpg';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Head Title
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Main page's Title
$config['head_title'] = '@pedroruizhidalg';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Head Subitle
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Main page's Subitle
$config['head_subtitle'] = 'coding the world since 1983';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Footer 'page' literal
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Set 'page' in your language
$config['footer_page_literal'] = 'Página';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Format
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Prototype boolean
|  TRUE means UTF8.false means ISO-8959-1
$config['format'] = FALSE;

* application/third_party/fpdf/config/pdf.php

For more information about fpdf see FPDF manual