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Boilerplate Node ExpressJS Web Application

This repository is a boilerplate app that includes many common functions of a web site/app featuring registered users. As web apps are usually javascript intensive we use HIJAX to load pages after the initial load. This HIJAX implementation is transparent to the user and to search engines. This can be used as a starting point for many types of web projects.


* ExpressJS framework w/Pug templates
* Material Design Availability
* Responsive design
* HIJAXed pages
* Data model driven database (sequelize)
* Complete User API (register, login, logout, email validation, password reset etc)
* Admin data editing UI suite automatically built from data model.
* ACL access control on tables by user role (superuser, admin, etc.)
* Ajax forms and unified input validation
* Stripe for subscription plans
* Packaging automation for client distribution using webpack, rollup and grunt
* ReCaptcha v3 support for registration
* CSS compiles from SCSS and/or stylus
* CSRF protection support
* Content Security Protocol support

Project Directory Structure

* assets/ - source for client side js and css
	* js/ - standard ES5 js modules
	* modules/ - ES6 modules
	* scss/ - scss source
	* stylus/ - stylus source
	* app.js - webpack bundle
* bin/ - express server listener
* config/
* lib/
* migrations/
* models/
* public/ - public files
	* dist/ - compiled JS and CSS (managed by grunt)
	* images/
* routes/ - page routes
* tests/ - mocha testing suite
* views/ - pug templates for pages
	* components/ - reusable page components
	* shared/ - client/server shared templates
	* wrapper.pug - html wrapper
* app.js - express app
* gruntfile.js - grunt automation
* webpack.config.js - webpack automation for ES6 and SCSS ( etc)


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