List of interesting things about Machine Learning Algorithms:
- CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python by Brian Yu and at David J. Malan at Harvard
- Applied Machine Learning (CS5785) at Cornell Tech by Volodymyr Kuleshov. Video Fall 2020, Github Fall 2020, Github Fall 2021
- CS 228 - Probabilistic Graphical Models by Volodymyr Kuleshov and Stefano Ermon
- Making Friends with Machine Learning by Cassie Kozyrkov. Video Yotube
- CS 329S: Machine Learning Systems Design by Stanford
- Full Stack Deep Learning by Josh Tobin and Sergey Karayev and Pieter Abbeel
- Deep Learning by NYU
- Introduction to Deep Learning by MIT. Video
- MIT Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lectures by Lex Fridman and others at MIT
- Practical Deep Learning for Coders by FastAI
- Neural Networks from Scratch in Python by Sentdex
- Mathematics for Machine Learning by Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong
- Interpretable Machine Learning by Christoph Molnar
- The Mechanics of Machine Learning by Terence Parr and Jeremy Howard
- Forecasting: Principles and Practice (2nd ed) by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos
- Dive into Deep Learning by Alex Smola and other
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen
- Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
- Algorithms & Data Structures by Afshine Amidi and Shervine Amidi
- Case Studies in Neural Data Analysis by Mark Kramer and Uri Eden. The material in Python by NVIDIA
- Kaggle is data science challenges platform.
- Xeek is challenges unite the data and geoscience communities around the shared goal of crowdsourcing innovative solutions that solve the biggest challenges in exploration.
- Alexa Prize
- Data-Centric AI Competition by Andrew Ng.
- The Animal-AI Testbed
- Waymo Open Dataset Challenges: Motion Prediction, Interaction Prediction, Real-Time 2D Detection, Real-Time 3D Detection.
- Coursera
- Datacamp
- Prometeus
- Stepik
- HackerRank - practice coding skills
- PythonProgramming