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An Atari STE game by T.O.Y.S. released at Sommarhack 2024.


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Chroma Grid

An Atari STE game by T.O.Y.S. released at Sommarhack 2024.

Chroma Grid is a historical preservation project dedicated to preserving a significant piece of digital heritage. By bringing an unfinished game from 1994 to life, this project serves as both a study and an educational resource on development for the Atari ST.

The Atari ST family of computers was a pioneer in the 16-bit era and played a crucial role in the advent of home computing. Preserving and understanding the capabilities and workings of this technology is essential for comprehending the evolution of computer technology up to the present day, and where it may take us in the future.


  • Code: Fredrik 'PeyloW' Olsson
  • Music: Joakim 'AiO' Ekblad
  • Graphics: Hervé 'Exocet' Piton
  • Font: Damien Guard
  • Concept: Peter 'Eagle' Nyman

Project Requirement

Project aknowledgements

The Code

Code is split up into three main parts:

  • MacOSHost - A macOS host harness capable of running and debugging a simulated version pof the game
  • ChromaGrid - The game!
  • toybox - The reusable parts that could become many games
    • Minimal replacements for C++ standard library functionality, optimized for speed and space.
    • Primitives for machine, graphics and audio.
    • A scene based game system for managing game creation.

All code must compile with GCC 4.6.4 with c++0x (Experimental C++11) enabled, no standard libraries linked!

Make no assumption of integer/pointer size. macOS host uses 32 bit integers, target uses 16 bit integers. Whenever possible use explicitly sized types, int16_t not short.

Use static_assert to ensure expected sizes for structs are correct. Asserts are enabled on macOS host, but not Atari target. Asserts are used liberly to ensure correctness.

Types uses suffix, variables does not:

  • _t - POD, plain old type.
  • _e - Enumeration.
  • _s - Simple structs
    • Must never implement constructors or destructors.
    • For direct access to all members.
  • _c - Classes
    • Classes must support move semantics.
    • Never assume copy semantics are available.
      • Most classes explicitly forbig copy semntions by use of nocopy_c subclassing.

Known libcmini limitations

libcmini-0.47 used is an older version from 2017, and has a few known issues. It is not being updated as to avoid disruptions before Sommarhack 2024.

  • fread and fwrite does not return number of items, but total bytes on success.
  • rand() does not respect RAND_MAX with -mshort, and can return negative values.
  • strncmp() is just very buggy.

File Format

levels.dat - An EA IFF 85 format

Same format is used for builtin levels and user levels. User levels may contain a maximum of ten level forms.

// List of ChromaGrid LeVels
LIST # { CGLV       
    // Zero or more ChromaGrid LeVel forms
    FORM # { CGLV
        // Required LeVel HeaDer
        LVHD # {
            ubyte width
            ubyte height
            ubyte[2] orbs
            uword time
        // Optional text
        TEXT # {
        } ?
        // One or more Tile STateS, count defined by header width * height
        TSTS # {
                ubyte type
                ubyte target
                ubyte current
                ubyte orb
            } +
    } *

scores.dat - An EA IFF 85 format

If the number of scores chunks are less than available built in levels the remainders are all zero. Having more score chunks than evailable built in levels is an error :/. f16check is a Fletcher16 checksum of the level recipies header+tiles, not text.

// List of ChromaGrid Level Scores
LIST # { CGLR       
    // Zero or more ChromaGrid Level Result chunks
    CGLR # {
        uword score
        ubyte[2] orbs
        uword time
        uword moves
        uword f16check
    } *

Future Direction

No promises, just ideas for what could be done.

  • Update to modern GCC for full C++20 support
    • Remove workarounds for c++0x
    • More aggressive use of constexpr for perf
  • Update to a modern libcmini
    • Remove hacks for bugs and non clib-compliance
    • Need to fix that more expensive rand() though :/
  • Split toybox into its own git repo
    • Witg nicer Makefiles
  • Add graphics primitives to support plain ST
    • Can host emulation for host be repurposed?
  • Port to Amiga
    • Never coded for Amiga, but how hard can it be?