A prototype chat application made to be a playground for trying out different kinds of tech in a more App like environment with real-time communications using socket.io and video call functionality using simple-peer as its WebRTC implementation.
You can checkout the live version here
┌── /.github
| └── /workflows # Github Actions workflows
├── /client # Frontend files (React)
| └── /src
│ ├── /components # Shared React components
│ ├── /context # Global React context
│ ├── /hooks # Reusable custom hooks
│ ├── /pages # Components that render as their own page
│ └── /utils # Utility modules
├── /server # Backend files (Express.js, Socket.io and Prisma)
│ ├── /controllers # Route controllers
│ ├── /middlewares # Express middlewares
│ ├── /prisma # Prisma schema and database associated files
│ ├── /routes # Express routes definitions
| └── /utils # Utility modules
This project uses the following libraries and services:
- Frontend - React
- Frontend router - React Router
- Frontend build tool - Vite
- Styling - Tailwind CSS
- Async state manager - SWR
- WebRTC - simple-peer
- API - Express + Socket.IO
- Session utility - iron-session
- Database - PostgreSQL + Prisma
- TURN server - Metered
1 -
cd ./client && npm i
2 - While in the client direcotry add the following variables to your .env file:
For socket.io client
3 -
cd ../server && npm i
4 - While in the server directory setup your database as instructed by prisma docs
5 - While in the server directory add the following variables to your .env file:
For iron-session
For socket.io cors
For Metered TURN serverMETERED_API="Your metered API URL plus its API key as instructed by Metered.ca"
6 - While in the server directory start the project by running
npm run dev
The UI is heavily inspired by Telegram