- Software Engineering.
- I love tinkering and messing around.
- Love hardware, currently I have:
- Altera Cyclone IV FPGA
- Raspberry Pi 4
- Arduino
- I'm attempting to learn cybersecurity at:
- I consider myself a Indie:
- Software dev
- Web dev
- Game dev
things = {
"Data Structure": "Yeah. Two semester learning about... And learning more. Nice thing to know.",
"FPGA": "I know a little bit",
"Mobile Dev": "Maybe? Little bit. I don't have enough experience.",
"Big Data": "Just reading stuff.",
"Artificial Intelligence": "Reading too... ",
"Cryptography": "I had a class about this! Nice!",
"Electronics": "I know a thing or two.",
"Windows (Not Window)": "My main machine is a Windows machine... So.",
"Linux": "I know enough to figure out stuff.",
"Latex": "Not enough, but I have some skills.",
"Tools I know or use": ("Internet haha", "Visual Studio", "Git",
"PyCharm", "IntelliJ", "Clion",
"Photoshop", "Illustrator","After Effects", "InDesign", "Premiere",
"Node.js", "Django",
"PuTTY", "Audacity")