By Dmytro Nasyrov, Founder, CTO at Pharos Production Inc. And Pharos Production Inc. - Web3, blockchain, fintech, defi software development services
All strategies have been combined into this Erlang application after being refactored.
(The source code is a fork of
EC2 tags and groups selection are selected with the following syntax (if a tuple doesn't make the boolean expression explicitly AND or OR the list is implicitly an OR):
[Entry... |
{'AND', [Entry...]} |
{'OR', [Entry...]}]
tags: Entry == "key" |
["key1", "key2"] |
{"key3", "value3"} |
{["key4", "key5"], "value4"} |
{"key6", ["value6", "value7"]} |
{["key8", "key9"], ["value9", "value8"]}
groups: Entry == "security_group_name"
rebar compile
LAN multicast (requires that ntpd is running)
$ erl -sname foo1@localhost -pz ebin/
(foo1@localhost)1> application:ensure_all_started(nodefinder).
(foo1@localhost)2> nodes().
(foo1@localhost)3> nodefinder:multicast_start().
(foo1@localhost)4> nodes().
(foo1@localhost)5> nodefinder:multicast_discover(5000).
(foo1@localhost)6> nodes().
(foo1@localhost)7> nodefinder:multicast_stop().
(foo1@localhost)8> nodefinder:multicast_stop().
$ erl -sname foo2@localhost -pz ebin/
(foo2@localhost)1> application:ensure_all_started(nodefinder).
(foo2@localhost)2> nodes().
(foo2@localhost)3> nodefinder:multicast_start().
(foo2@localhost)4> nodes().
(foo2@localhost)5> nodefinder:multicast_discover(5000).
(foo2@localhost)6> nodes().
(foo2@localhost)7> nodefinder:multicast_stop().
Functionality details:
- The same Erlang distributed node name is used (separate Erlang VMs must be on separate EC2 instances)
- Connections between regions are not supported due to the high latency
Add security group TCP rules for:
- port 4369 (
) - ports 4374-4474 (
$ cat << EOF > sys.config
[{kernel, [
{inet_dist_listen_min, 4374},
{inet_dist_listen_max, 4474}]}].
$ erl -name test -config sys.config -pz ebin/
> application:ensure_all_started(nodefinder).
> nodes().
> Host = "".
> Key = "".
> SecretKey = "".
> nodefinder:ec2_start(Key, SecretKey, Host, ["www"], []).
> nodefinder:ec2_stop().
> nodes().
> [net_kernel:disconnect(N) || N <- nodes()].
> nodefinder:ec2_start(Key, SecretKey, Host, [], [{"Tag1", "Value1"}]).
> nodefinder:ec2_stop().
> nodes().
> [net_kernel:disconnect(N) || N <- nodes()].
> nodefinder:ec2_start(Key, SecretKey, Host, [], ["Tag1"]).
> nodefinder:ec2_stop().
> nodes().
> [net_kernel:disconnect(N) || N <- nodes()].
- First, connect to all EC2 instances in the "www" security group that are running with a 'test' node name
- Second, connect to all EC2 instances with a tag Tag1=Value1 that are running with a 'test' node name
- Third, connect to all EC2 instances with a tag Tag1 that are running with a 'test' node name
rebar compile
rebar eunit skip_deps=true
MIT License