By Dmytro Nasyrov, Founder, CTO at Pharos Production Inc. And Pharos Production Inc. - Web3, blockchain, fintech, defi software development services
Pharos Production Medium Article.
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0. Initial TOML configuration is in rel->config->config_prod.toml.
You can override config variables from prod.exs using this file.
1. Make a prod release from console:
$> MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod
2. Launch app in a console mode:
$> sh _build/prod/rel/tutorial_toml/bin/tutorial_toml console
3. Read the current value:
iex> TutorialToml.read_demo_value
> Hello, I'm old prod value from TOML
4. Open TOML configuration at _build->config->config_prod.toml
5. Change demo_value to a new value
6. Without stopping the app in the second console run:
$> sh _build/prod/rel/tutorial_toml/bin/tutorial_toml reload_config
7. Check the value again in the first terminal:
iex> TutorialToml.read_demo_value
> Hello, I'm new prod value from TOML