Brune network synthesis in python
In order to synthesize a brune circuit, first put your impedance in the form
i.e. a sum over poles with residues, and a constant offset. If this form is not easily accessible, try fitting it numerically using vector fitting.
Then use the function vectfit_to_brune(poles, residues, offset)
to generate
a list of stages, and a final resistor. The stages are of the form
(r1, l1, c2, l2, l3)
, coresponding to the brune model
and the correspondence
Note that necessarily, either L1 or L3 will be negative. This would seem unphysical except for equivalence to a set of coupled inductors.
Check that the model reproduces the data on
some test points with
compose_brune_stages(1j*frequencies, stages, rfinal)