Colvertize allows to conveniently convert colors between different formats and can apply conversion functions (like color inversion) using function composition.
It is heavily based on the color implementation of the excellent darkreader
npm i --save colvertize
# or
yarn add colvertize
UMD support in browser:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
import { convert, RGBA } from 'colvertize';
convert('rebeccapurple', 'css-hex');
// -> '#663399'
convert('#123456', 'css-rgb');
// -> 'rgb(18, 52, 86)'
convert('#123456', 'css-hsl');
// -> 'hsl(210, 65%, 20%)'
convert('#123456', 'rgb');
// -> {'r': 18, 'g': 52, 'b': 86, 'a': 1}
convert('#123456', 'hsl');
// -> {'h': 210, 's': 0.653846153846154, 'l': 0.20392156862745098, 'a': 1}
// custom conversion functions
function invertColor(c: RGBA): RGBA {
return {
r: 255 - c.r,
g: 255 - c.g,
b: 255 - c.b,
a: c.a,
convert('#ffffff', 'css-hex', invertColor)
// -> '#000000'
This following built-in conversion functions are supported:
import {
} from 'colvertize';
convert('#ff0000', 'css-hex', invert)
// -> '#00ffff'
// dark (default: black), light (default: white), and threshold (default: 0.179) are optional options
convert('#ffff00', 'css-hex', invertDarkLight({dark: '#111', light: '#eee'}))
// -> '#111111'
// factor (default: 2.2) is an optional option
convert('#773300', 'css-hex', gammaCorrection())
// -> '#b47b00'
// contrast (default: 1.0) and brightness (default: 0) are optional options
convert('#993300', 'css-hex', contrastBrightness({ contrast: 1.5 }))
// -> '#a60d00'
For more usage information checkout the tests